Prediction competition: Women's Handball World Championship Spain 2021
Women's Handball World Championship Spain 2021 will be held from 1st December 2021, in Spain.
I host a prediction competition for this championship. The competition regulation, submission format, and past match results could be found in the following link. The submission deadline is 30th November 2021 (a day before the competition opener).
This folder has one Excel and one pdf file.
* The pdf file describes the competition regulation. English explanation follows after Japanese description in the pdf.
* The Excel file consists of the sheets of the latest match results and prediction templates.
Prediction competitions
I host two prediction competitions. Only one submission is welcome!
* Final standings: Predict final standings for each team (from 1st to 32nd).
* Head-to-head (H2H): Predict win probability for all possible match combinations.
Any prediction methods, e.g., mathematical, statistical, empirical, intuitional, ... are all welcome.
Reference: Prediction result for 2019 edition by the author
The author predicted the 2019 edition. The following thread on Twitter summarizes my prediction and its performance (written in Japanese).
#女子ハンドボール世界選手権大会 グループステージの勝利数予測を工作してみました.横軸が勝利数,縦軸はチーム名[グループ](世界ランキング)です.開催国の日本はグループD3番手.グループ3位までのメインラウンド進出が現実的な目標との評価です.
— konakalab (小中研究室/名城大) (@konakalab) November 28, 2019