“Sapporo Control, Pan-pan, Pan-pan, Pan-pan, Airwalks 122, We have an electric trouble with low voltage. The cause of the trouble is so far unknown. We may be soon unable to communicate by radio.”
“Airwalks 122, Sapporo Control, roger. Please squawk 7600, when the radio communications are no more established.”
“Airwalks 122, understand, however, we may have to maintain standby or even shut down our transpoder to save the battery energy.”
“Airwalks 122, Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. We declare emergency due to the electric failure. We switch off transponder, navigation lights, and all unnecessary electric equipment. We request a heading to the nearest airport.”
“Airwalks 122, this is Sapporo Control. We understand the situations. Fly heading 072° to Okadama Airport. Please report POB and remaining fuel.”
“Airwalks 122, here17 passengers on board, and remaining fuel approximately 50 minutes.”
“Sapporo Control, Airwalks 122, please advise the next frequecy prior to descending Okadama Airport. We shut down the radio soon and we'll switch it on only when we need to transmit.”
“Airwalks 122, the next frequency for Okadama approach is 119.225. We've already informed them of your trouble. If it's not available, transmit on 121.5.”
“Airwalks 122, 119 decimal 225, thank you. When we can't communicate at all, we switch on ELT, also.”
“Sapporo Control, roger. You may switch on ELT anytime, if transponder is out. We'll give you the further guidance from time to time.”
小型航空機の場合、電力が枯渇するとバックアップ態勢が漸弱なため、直ちに操縦不能となることがままあります。できればFore FlightやAir Navigation Proといったスマートフォン用GPS連動アプリで現在地やGPS高度を確認できると、格段に安全な飛行が継続できます。自動車エンジン始動用の外部バッテリーもあれば、照明や着陸装置の電力にも活用できるかもも知れません。機体から独立した大容量バッテリーは、普段から余裕をもって飛行するためにも、必須のアイテムです。