英検1級 二次試験対策 2月22日⑫
問題:Do you think that the government is doing enough to protect the rights of company workers?
Although, compared with the past, the situation is getting better,
I think that the Japanese government has a lot of things to do.
I have some reasons to support my opinion.
The first reason is the productivities and the length of working hours.
Japan was ranked as the fourth in GDP and the previous result was the third.
It means our productivity is getting less.
And another study says Japan has the longest working hours in the world.
The government should work on it to increase our productivity.
The second reason is the stress made in the workplace.
The study said that the biggest reason why people commit suicide is the stress in the working place. The relationship, the pressure, the harassment. There are many factors but the government should work on it to make the situation better.
Although it is getting better than the past, I strongly believe that we have a lot of things to do about the working place.
・What do you say to the people who think that female workers are still not treated enough?
I would say that they are treated enough.
Male workers tend to work in more dangerous jobs like fire fighters, police, and soldiers.
And female workers are more likely to take maternity leaves and male workers are going to work instead of them. If they want same treatment as male workers, I feel like they need to work with more responsibility.
・Do you think that four day work weeks might hurt companies?
I don’t think so.
Because the l the working hours haven’t changed.
For example, in four-days shift, they need to work 10 hours in a day.
In five-day shift, they must work for 8 hours.
And many workers say their productivity increases because they take enough rest and can focus on themselves.
I think companies should introduce this immediately.
・Many companies allow their workers to work remotely. Do you think that it will be good to protect workers rights?
I feel like it is good.
For example, it takes me 1 hour to go to my workplace, so I take two hours each day and sometimes I feel like it is stupid because I spend this two hour for my company, but they don’t pay for this hour.
I think with that two hours I can take care of myself more.
So, from the perspective of protecting their rights, I think it is effective.