英検1級 二次試験対策2月12日 問題:Should art and music be eliminated from school curriculums?


問題:Should art and music be eliminated from school curriculums?


Although some may say that art and music should be eliminated from school curriculums, I do not think that they should.
I have some reasons to support my opinion.


The first reason is that losing the opportunities to appreciate them means losing the opportunities to enhance their creativities.
The children these days have less opportunities to appreciate them because they use tablets and smartphones all the time and I feel like focusing on them makes them less creative and sensitive.
It is a serious problem if they were eliminated because the classes are the great opportunities to enhance their creativities and sensitivities.
So, even though it is kind of a mandatory, they need opportunities to learn the knowledge and the way of enjoying them.


The second reason is to maintain traditions.
If they are eliminated from the curriculums, there are few opportunities to learn the conventional art and music. Especially in Japan, there are many traditional art and music, but it is becoming a serious problem that they don’t have successors. So, letting children learn them at schools is really an important attempt to make them interested them and they might be successors of the traditional art and music.


Although it is controversial, I strongly believe that they should not be eliminated.


・some people say that the younger generation does not appreciate art anymore. What do you think about that?

It sounds contradict with my speech, I think that they are just enjoying different types of art from traditional one.
For example, Japanese anime and illustration.
But just enjoying them is a problem to me. Because most of them don’t need the knowledge when enjoying them as the traditional one does.
So, I think that they need to learn how to appreciate the traditional ones as well.

・Do you think that people place too             much   faith in science these days?

I think so.
I feel like it is kind of a religion and people are believing in it too blindly.
For instance, at the beginning of the pandemic, many people were so confused because at that time the virus was beyond our understandings, and they don’t know what to believe.
We are so weak to what we cannot understand as the result of the dependence of the science.

・Can religious and science coexist?

They should be!
In the western countries, the scientist in the past used to be enthusiastic believers as well because they tried to understand what the God made.
And especially for today’s scientists it is necessary to believe in the God because now they are trying to make clones and make babies without having sex. I feel like it is over the line between the humans and the God. We really need to be careful about what we are going to make with our science.

・On a slightly different topic, are four years bachelor’s degrees necessary these days ?

I don’t think so. Moreover, I think that in Japan there are too many students.
50 percent of the high school students are going to the college not because they want to learn. Because they want to enter good companies. I feel like it is stupid to be honest because colleges and universities are the places to learn, not the place to have better jobs.
We need to think about the meaning of going to the colleges and universities.


・1回目の主張⇒ボデイ1までは割とできてた      んじゃないかしら?

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・フィラーが「あーっと」でキモ過ぎる。少し前まで「you know」

