熟語のまとめ / at / 幅の1点 速度 角度
1 at speed
ex. She finished typewriting the letter at speed.
at speed「高速で」/ 速度に関する熟語
2 at the speed of
ex. The train was moving at the speed of 100 miles per hour.
at the speed of「~の速度で」 / 速度に関する熟語
3 at full speed
ex. A car ran past at full speed.
at full speed「フルスピードで」/ at speedに「full」が付いた形ですね。
4 at a snail's pace
ex. Things are changing, but at a snail's pace.
at a snail's pace「のろのろと」/ snailは「カタツムリ」って意味です。つまり、カタツムリのペースで →「のろのろと」ということです。
5 at the top of one's speed
ex. She ran at the top of her speed to catch the last train.
at the top of one's speed「全速力で」/ 自分のスピードのTOP
6 at an angle to
ex.The roof is pitched at an angle to the horizontal.
at an angle to「~に対して角度をなして、斜めに」/ ここから2つは角度に関するもの
7 at an altitude of
ex. The plane flew at an altitude of 20, 000 feet.
at an altitude of「高度~で」/