Vol.4: Resistance and resignation | 抗いと諦念
Vol.4: Resistance and resignation | 抗いと諦念
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Vol.4: Resistance and resignation | 抗いと諦念
'I'm in the business of raising pigs.'
I sometimes introduce myself by saying that to make it easier to understand what I do. I am not lying. But the reality is this.
'I adjust the 'environment' in which pigs grow.'
What you need to do is to control the environment. Then the pigs will grow up. But this environmental adjustment is difficult. So, first, I think about what I can and can't do. This is a sorting out of 'my work' and 'nature's work'. Then, I plan what I can do and carry it out.
But what about the 'what I can do? They are betrayed by constantly fluctuating environmental conditions. The weather is a prime example. Working on a farm, it can be disheartening to feel our fate is in the hands of something so big as nature.
Of course, nature does not care about us. We inevitably realise how tiny we live in such a murky world. This is a sensation that is difficult to feel when living in cities.
Agriculture is, in a sense, a liberal art. It poses complex questions to those engaged in it and demands composite thinking and a long-term perspective. So one's footing is always shaky. There is a default worldview where things don't go as planned.
In the past, my life was all about 'resistance'. Music taught me to resist, and experience taught me to harmonise. But I finally acquired a new view of nature in the struggle between what I can and can't do by being close to nature.
In my case, it was surrender.
I didn't know. I didn't realise that 'resignation' was so refreshing.