


【詩1:3 /新改訳2017】

 「その人」とは、「主のおしえを喜びとし、昼も夜も、そのおしえを口ずさむ人」の事なのです。人生には二つの道があります。神様を認め、共に歩む道か、神様を否み、自分の思う道に歩むかの二つなのです。自分の思うような道を歩いたほうが良いように思われますが、「箴14:12 人の目にはまっすぐに見えるが、その終わりが死となる道がある。」しかし、神さまと共に歩むと、繁栄と霊的祝福が約束されているのです。


Saturday, November 19, 2022

「He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.」 

【Psa 1:3/NKJV】

He is the one who rejoices in the Lord's instruction and hums it day and night. Life has two paths. One is to acknowledge God and walk with Him, and the other is to reject Him and walk in one's own way. It seems better to walk the path one thinks is right, but "Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems straight in the eyes of men, but its end is death." However, when we walk with God, we are promised prosperity and spiritual blessings.

May we spend today in His blessings.

配信初日:2020.3.31 (バーチャル時代の初配信:1999.10.12)
配信号数:No.777 (バーチャル時代からの通算号数:No.4813)

First date of distribution: March 31, 2020 (First distribution in the virtual era: October 12, 1999)
Number of issues distributed: No. 777 (Total number of issues since the virtual era: No. 4812)
