
The Tableau neko-kai - cats lovers party - 's Data Noodle World Tour!!! project has been launched.


In this article, we introduce how the unique community that shares a love for Tableau and cats, known as Tableau Neko-kai, came to participate in JTUG's Data Noodle World Tour!!!.

If you are part of a self-organized Tableau community and are interested in the Data Noodle World Tour!!! but are unsure how to proceed, please read on. We believe this will serve as a reference for your next actions.

What is Tableau Neko-kai?
Tableau Neko-kai is a self-organized community of Tableau users. It is a gathering of 49 Tableau users who loves cats formed on a Twitter (X) community. Normally, we post photos and admire cats together. [Tableau Neko-kai Community]

What is Data Noodle World Tour?
Data Noodle World Tour!!! is an international event aimed at revitalizing data communities and promoting the use of open data. It serves as a platform to connect data with various elements and create new value. Participation from various data communities is welcomed. [Data Noodle World Tour!!!]

What is JTUG?
It is a non-profit voluntary organization. The official name is Japan Tableau User Group, and JTUG is the abbreviation. It is composed of members who dearly love Tableau and conducts events and other activities to promote the use of Tableau. Data Noodle World Tour!!! is organized by JTUG's collaborative planning team. [JTUG]

What is Tableau?
It is computer software known as BI (Business Intelligence), aimed at helping people see and understand data. [Tableau Homepage]


Tableau Neko-kai (hereafter referred to as Neko-kai) recently held its first meeting. The topic was about participating in JTUG's Data Noodle World Tour!!!.

First, the leader, yo_mon, explained the background that led Neko-kai to consider participating this time. Next, Nyagase from JTUG explained the overview of Data Noodle World Tour!!!. We understood that it is an event initiated in Japan and calling out to the world, and that it provides a platform for presentations to various communities.

What Can Be Done with CATs×️Tableau

Then we got to the main topic, which is what the activities of Neko-kai will be this time. Several ideas had been proposed in advance, but we considered two patterns, taking into account feasibility.

1.Cats Viz The most feasible activity identified was the collection and creation of Cats Viz. We will search for Cats Viz that has already been published on Tableau Public, create new ones, and compile them on a single page. Just a little searching reveals a series of interesting Viz. For example, please see the following Cats Viz sample. In Neko-kai, it was decided to compile these using Tableau Public.

Cat's Trip GPS tracking data of domestic cats in the US by Rika Fujiwara
KNOCK KNOCK CATS by Chiaki Ishida

2.Tackling a social theme Another option is to tackle social issues. Neko-kai has many members who love cats and also have high skills in data and Tableau. Therefore, there is a proposal to work on cats-related issues with the members. This is a challenging proposal that requires long-term commitment. We are still considering whether to proceed with it or not.


Why Cats and Noodles?

You, the reader, might be wondering about this. Both cats and noodles function as "mediums." Just as noodles expand the world of data, cats also have the potential to create new value in data visualization.

Data Noodle serves as a platform to connect these different elements. Neko-kai has agreed with this significance.

If you are a leader of a self-organized community, Data Noodle World Tour!!! is a great opportunity to develop your community. On the other hand, it may be challenging to explain and persuade members to participate. Please use this article as a reference to consider what the significance of participating is and what specific actions should be taken.

We recommend the following next actions:

  • Visit the Data Noodle World Tour!!! homepage and read about how to participate. Please especially check the roadmap. The event period is from September to the following February. Please set a reasonable schedule.

  • Apply to join the dedicated Slack. Information sharing is possible in a semi-closed environment.

  • Follow the official Twitter(X) account to catch the latest information.

  • Conduct a meeting with community members.

    • Discuss the significance and effects of participation.

    • Share ideas for content.

    • Discuss the feasibility of ideas.

    • Decide on specific actions, assign responsibilities, and get to work.

  • It's okay to invite the Data Noodle World Tour!!! member to the meeting. You can call them from the Slack.

  • Please also refer to the explanatory video (in preparation).

We have introduced Tableau Neko-kai's approach to Data Noodle World Tour!!! in this article. We hope it serves as a reference for other self-organized communities to perticipate the Data Noodle World Tour!!!


Japan Tableau User Group
Data Noodle World Tour!!!
Data noodle Slack access request
Data noodle Twitter(X)
