
DBOBとは”核兵器にお金を貸すな”キャンペーンです。”Don’t Bank on the Bomb”

DBOBとは 2017年にノーベル平和賞を受賞した核兵器廃絶国際キャンペーン(ICAN)によるプロジェクトの一つで、オランダのNGO「PAX」が中心となり、核兵器製造企業に対する世界の金融機関による投資について調査し発表する取り組みです。(Webサイトより引用)http://www.hhk.jp/dbob/


Who invests?

Don’t Bank on the Bomb does not list every single investment into the companies listed as part of the nuclear weapon industry. This selection of financial institutions is limited by a reporting threshold. Only share and bond holdings of at least 0.5% of the total number of outstanding shares or bonds of the nuclear weapon producing companies are listed. The reason for this is practical: a threshold of 0.1% for example would have resulted in a report profiling nearly 3,000 financial institutions, with mostly minuscule investments. Instead, this report focuses on the institutional investors which were found to have the most significant investments in one or more of the selected companies.  
<quoted from https://www.dontbankonthebomb.com/investors/>

核兵器にお金を貸す? なぜ?
