In the West, Uji organic matcha is gaining ground as a popular spur food due to growing health consciousness.欧米では、健康志向の高まりから、宇治有機抹茶が人気スパーフードとしての地位を獲得しつつあります。
Matcha has been difficult to adopt as an everyday item due to its hard-to-handle 'powder' form. In Japanese culture, matcha is traditionally served in a matcha bowl with a bamboo cha-sen, making it difficult for young people to handle.

We took the plunge from the position of a tea master to that of a customer and set out on an adventure in pursuit of the matcha of our dreams. We have developed an idea that overturned common sense: mixing matcha and water, and after high temperature and high pressure, successfully replacing the magnesium atoms that cause the colour to fade with copper ion atoms. Matcha bread, matcha cakes, matcha water yokans and matcha rice can be enjoyed as if they were everyday dishes.茶師の立場から思い切ってお客様の立場に立ち、夢の抹茶を追い求めて冒険に出ました。常識を覆した発想である抹茶と水を混ぜて、高温高加圧の末に退色の原因であるマグネシウム原子の離脱を銅イオン原子に見事に置換をして、偶然にできた技術をさらに確実なものにコンピューター処理をして、頑固な技術としたことで思うように無添加,無着色で、抹茶パン、抹茶ケーキ、抹茶水ようかん、抹茶ご飯を日常の料理のように楽しめるものにしました。

Uji organic matcha (tested for radioactivity) is processed into OMGT Beyond Matcha, a dream matcha paste that can be used to make safe, pesticide-free and additive-free matcha drinks easily, as well as matcha pancakes, matcha rice, matcha spread and matcha bread in a work-efficient way and for cooking. The matcha colour is preserved and additive-free.宇治有機抹茶(放射能検査済み)をOMGTビヨンド抹茶にペースト加工をして、安心安全の農薬不使用、添加物不使用の簡単に抹茶ドリンクができ、さらに抹茶パンケーキ、抹茶ご飯、抹茶スプレッド、抹茶パンが作業効率よく料理にもご使用ができる、夢の抹茶ペーストです。 抹茶の色合いも保存されて、無添加でできます。

If you process matcha into powder at home, it may seem fresh, but the raw material, tencha, is easily damaged and becomes damp. The flavour of matcha deteriorates more quickly when it is processed. It is best to buy freshly ground matcha from a tea shop and use it up on the same day. However, this is not always possible. This matcha paste is the result of a tea master's persistence, a breakthrough in common sense, and a miraculous breakthrough in scientific reasoning. So don't worry, make Uji Organic Matcha a part of your lifestyle.ご家庭で、抹茶を粉に加工すれば、新鮮であるかのようですが、原料の碾茶も傷みやすく、湿気ます。抹茶に加工をすれば、もっと早く風味も劣化をします。お茶屋で挽きたての抹茶を購入して、その日のうちに使い切ってしまうのが最適です。しかしいつもそうはいきません。茶師が、こだわり切って常識を破った,科学的推察の発想から奇跡的に出くわした画期的な技術で出来上がった抹茶ペーストです。安心して、宇治有機抹茶を生活習慣の一環に入れてください。

The polyphenol catechins and theanine, an amino acid unique to Japanese green tea, are likely to be the solution to the stress immunity problems that ail modern society and the brain functions associated with old age - cognitive function.
Matcha is not a medicine. Every person has a different lifestyle. The human body is made up of what we eat and drink. However, although it is not a medicine, the functional substances in matcha have different effects depending on the amount and timing of intake. With the wisdom of generations of Japanese people who have continued to drink it, let's reconfirm this basic knowledge and review our own dietary management and lifestyle habits, and Matcha paste will surely help you.
Kita Juzaemon❣.
日本人が何世代にも飲み続けられてきた知恵で、その基礎的知識を再確認して、自分の食事管理、生活習慣を見直しましょう、きっと抹茶ペーストはお役に立ちます。 喜多重左衛門