Stay Safe and Eat Well
Soup is done
Salad is made
Bread is ready
Fruits is on a platter
Dessert is in a fridge for later
Bubbles is waiting at the centre
Where is our guest?
When will the party start?
Why can't we eat?
Hungry kids with wiggly feet
We are longing for the gathering
Long gone after Pandemic arriving
Miss the family choir singing
But now
People are gradually coming out
Cafes are quickly filled no doubt
Family is happily out and about
Dream for having parties and outings
Wish for receiving smiles and chatters
Joy of sharing dishes and stories
Until then
We just get close with our loved ones
We just enjoy each other's companies
Even over the screens and the phones
Being apart is not a barrier
Spice to make our reunion merrier
Delicious food helps us feel happier
So Stay safe and eat well