





注: Carbonation : 炭酸水や発泡酒などに発泡性を付与する処理

1. 600点レベル

1.1. 英語記事

Maple Water: Canada’s New Soft Drink

Canada is famous for its maple syrup. Now, producers are introducing another product made from maple tree sap – it is called maple water. Although the idea of drinking tree sap may seem unusual, many Canadians hope that maple water will become the next popular soft drink in the world.

What is Maple Water?
Maple water is the clear liquid collected directly from maple trees. Unlike maple syrup, which is thick and very sweet because it is boiled to remove water, maple water contains only about 2% natural sugars. This makes it lightly sweet and refreshing.

How is It Made?
In Canada, especially in Quebec, producers tap maple trees by drilling a small hole and inserting a pipe. The sap is collected, then filtered and pasteurized (heated to kill germs) to make it safe to drink. Quebec is the main region for maple production, and it produces 90% of Canada’s maple syrup.

Market and Global Reach
One company called Maple3, started in 2013 by Yannick Leclerc and his partner Stéphane Nolet, is one of the pioneers in selling maple water. Their product is available in Canada and in over a dozen countries such as France, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. Although maple water is still a small market compared to coconut water, experts predict that global sales could grow from about $506 million in 2024 to $2.6 billion by 2033.

Health Benefits and Opinions
Some people believe that maple water has health benefits because it contains antioxidants (抗酸化物質) that are absorbed naturally from the tree. These antioxidants may help with workout recovery. However, a study in 2019 found that maple water is not better than regular water for rehydration.

Challenges and Future Outlook
Despite its natural appeal, maple water is expensive. For example, a can of maple water can cost about three times as much as a can of cola. Industry experts suggest that for maple water to become popular, larger beverage companies must support and promote it. Adding carbonation and fruit flavors is another idea to make it more attractive to consumers.

1.2. 日本語訳







1.3. 重要単語

absorbed 動詞:吸収する、取り込む
consumers 名詞:消費者、利用者
drilling 動名詞:穴を開ける作業
experts 名詞:専門家
filtered 形容詞:ろ過された、不純物が除かれた
flavors 名詞:風味、味
global 形容詞:世界的な、全世界の
inserting 動名詞:挿入する行為、差し込む作業
liquid 名詞:液体
predict 動詞:予測する
promote 動詞:促進する、宣伝する
unlike 前置詞:~とは異なり、~と違って
pioneers 名詞:先駆者
refreshing 形容詞:さわやかな、気分がすっきりする
coconut 名詞:ココナッツ
maple syrup 名詞:メープルシロップ
beverage 名詞:飲み物
germs 名詞:細菌、微生物
sap 名詞:樹液
workout 名詞:運動、トレーニング
cola 名詞:コーラ(炭酸飲料)
rehydration 名詞:水分補給、再水和

2. 730点レベル

2.1. 英語記事

Maple Water: A New Canadian Beverage Contender

Canada, renowned for its production of maple syrup, is now venturing into an innovative market with maple water—a refreshing drink derived directly from the sap of maple trees. While the concept of drinking raw tree sap might initially seem unconventional, many Canadian producers are optimistic that this natural beverage will capture a significant share of the global soft drink market.

Maple water is obtained by tapping maple trees, a process that involves drilling a small hole into the trunk and inserting a tube to collect the sap. Unlike maple syrup, which is created by boiling down the sap to remove water and concentrate the sugars, maple water is consumed in its nearly unaltered state. With only about 2% natural sugars, its flavor is subtly sweet and distinctly refreshing.

One of the pioneers in this field, the company Maple3, was established in 2013 by Yannick Leclerc and Stéphane Nolet. Based in Quebec—the heart of Canada’s maple industry—they have successfully expanded their market not only domestically but also across more than a dozen international markets including France, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. Recent reports predict that global sales of maple water could escalate from approximately $506 million in 2024 to an impressive $2.6 billion by 2033.

Advocates of maple water emphasize its potential health benefits. As the sap flows naturally through the tree, it is believed to absorb antioxidants, which may contribute to improved exercise recovery and overall wellness. However, some studies, including one from 2019, suggest that its rehydration benefits are comparable to those of regular water.

Despite its promising attributes, maple water faces significant challenges in the marketplace. Its current price point is considerably higher than that of conventional soft drinks—often costing about three times as much as a can of cola. Industry experts contend that for maple water to achieve mainstream success, it will require robust promotion and possibly the backing of larger beverage companies. Additionally, innovations such as carbonation and the addition of natural fruit flavors could enhance its appeal to a broader range of consumers.

In essence, maple water represents a fascinating blend of tradition and innovation. By leveraging a time-honored natural resource in a novel way, Canadian producers are not only diversifying their product offerings but also responding to the growing global demand for healthier, more natural beverages.

2.2. 日本語訳








2.3. 重要単語

achieve 動詞: 達成する、成し遂げる
advocates 名詞: 支持者、提唱者
approximately 副詞: 約、およそ
attributes 名詞: 特徴、特性
blend 動詞: 混ぜ合わせる、融合させる
capture 動詞: とらえる、捉える
concept 名詞: 概念、考え方
considerably 副詞: かなり、相当
consumed 動詞: 消費された、使われた
contend 動詞: 主張する、争う
contender 名詞: 競争者、有力候補
conventional 形容詞: 従来の、伝統的な
derived 動詞: 由来する、得られた
despite 前置詞: ~にもかかわらず
distinctly 副詞: はっきりと、明確に
domestically 副詞: 国内で、国内向けに
emphasize 動詞: 強調する、重視する
enhance 動詞: 高める、向上させる
expanded 動詞: 拡大した、広がった
initially 副詞: 初めは、最初は
innovation 名詞: 革新、新しい発明
innovations 名詞: 革新、イノベーション(複数形)
international 形容詞: 国際的な、国際間の
novel 形容詞: 新奇な、斬新な
obtained 動詞: 得られた、取得した
overall 形容詞: 全体の、総合的な
potential 名詞: 可能性、潜在力
raw 形容詞: 未加工の、生の
resource 名詞: 資源、原材料
responding 動名詞: 反応する行為、応答すること
significant 形容詞: 重要な、かなりの
subtly 副詞: 微妙に、ほのかに
tube 名詞: チューブ、管
unconventional 形容詞: 型破りな、常識にとらわれない
venturing 動名詞: 冒険する行為、新たな挑戦
essence 名詞: 本質、要点
innovative 形容詞: 革新的な、新しい発想の
leveraging 動名詞: 活用する行為、利用すること
optimistic 形容詞: 楽観的な、前向きな
diversifying 動名詞: 多角化すること、分散すること
escalate 動詞: 急増する、エスカレートする
renowned 形容詞: 有名な、著名な
robust 形容詞: 頑丈な、しっかりした

3. 860点レベル

3.1. 英語記事

Canadians Aim to Make Maple Water the Next Global Trend

Canadian companies are pioneering a new beverage: maple water. Unlike the well-known maple syrup—which is produced by boiling down the sap into a rich, sweet syrup used on pancakes—maple water is the clear, lightly sweet liquid extracted directly from maple trees. Containing only 2% natural sugars, it offers a subtle taste that is both refreshing and unique.

Production Process and Safety
To ensure safety and quality, producers filter and pasteurize the raw sap to eliminate harmful microbes. This process transforms the natural sap into a safe-to-drink product, reminiscent of nature’s pure essence. Given that Canada accounts for over 80% of the world’s maple syrup production, it is no surprise that the burgeoning maple water market is also rooted in this country, particularly in Quebec where 90% of Canada’s maple syrup is produced.

Business Innovation and Expansion
Yannick Leclerc of Maple3, based in Quebec City, is one of the pioneers in this sector. He and his business partner, Stéphane Nolet, launched Maple3 in 2013 with the innovative idea of preserving the hydration benefits of maple sap rather than merely converting it into syrup. Today, Maple3 offers a variety of products including still, sparkling, and naturally fruit-flavored versions of maple water. The company has experienced rapid growth; since 2021, its annual profits have doubled, and it now exports to 12 countries—including France, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea—with roughly 75% of its sales coming from overseas.

Market Prospects and Challenges
While proponents of maple water highlight its natural antioxidant properties and potential health benefits (such as improved workout recovery), critics note that a 2019 study found no significant advantage in rehydration compared to regular water. Moreover, the current price point of maple water—about three dollars per can—is considerably higher than that of typical soft drinks, such as a one-dollar can of Coke. Some industry experts believe that widespread success may require the financial backing and distribution networks of major soft drink manufacturers.

Future Outlook
Despite these challenges, recent market research predicts significant global growth for maple water. Global sales, estimated at $506 million in 2024, could surge to approximately $2.6 billion by 2033. While it may never eclipse the popularity of traditional maple syrup, the innovative approach to flavoring and carbonation is expected to broaden its appeal, potentially positioning maple water as a natural competitor to coconut water.

3.2. 日本語訳







3.3. 重要単語

aim 動詞: 目指す
trend 名詞: 流行、傾向
pioneering 形容詞: 先駆的な
extracted 動詞: 抽出する、取り出す
subtle 形容詞: 微妙な、繊細な
unique 形容詞: 独特の、唯一無二の
ensure 動詞: 確実にする、保証する
eliminate 動詞: 排除する、取り除く
microbes 名詞: 微生物
transforms 動詞: 変換する、変える
reminiscent 形容詞: ~を思い起こさせる
burgeoning 形容詞: 急成長している、急拡大している
sector 名詞: 分野、部門
launched 動詞: 発足する、開始する
innovative 形容詞: 革新的な、新しい発想の
preserving 動名詞: 保存する、維持する
hydration 名詞: 水分補給
merely 副詞: 単に、ただ
converting 動名詞: 変換する、変えること
variety 名詞: 多様性、種類
sparkling 形容詞: 炭酸の、輝くような
flavored 形容詞: 風味付けされた
annual 形容詞: 年間の
profits 名詞: 利益
exports 名詞: 輸出品、輸出額
overseas 形容詞/副詞: 海外の、海外へ
prospects 名詞: 見通し、将来性
proponents 名詞: 支持者、提唱者
highlight 動詞: 強調する、目立たせる
critics 名詞: 批評家、非難者
moreover 副詞: さらに、その上
coke 名詞: コーク(炭酸飲料の一種)
distribution 名詞: 流通、配送
networks 名詞: ネットワーク、体系
manufacturers 名詞: 製造業者、メーカー
estimated 形容詞: 推定された、見積もられた
surge 動詞: 急増する、急騰する
eclipse 動詞: ~を凌駕する、上回る
flavoring 名詞: 調味料、風味付け
potentially 副詞: 潜在的に、もしかすると
competitor 名詞: 競争相手、競合他社
escalate 動詞: 急増する、エスカレートする

4. コメント




