
🔥End of Kali Yuga 🔥2022-2023 is divine feminine activation, 2024-2025 is divine masculine activation💎

I am going to talk about the Kali Yuga which ended on January 15 to February 5, 2024.

I just wanted to talk about how this is a very important time and give a basic overview of what this is all about.

What this means for us as a group is that Kali Yuga is basically a time of darkness and misdeeds.

We know that we have been living in the dark ages for thousands of years in this time period.

We have lived in the dark ages.

And we have literally come to the end of it.

As you know, we are just at the end of it and things are expected to change rapidly because we are now in a period of acceleration.

Everything is obviously coinciding with the Age of Aquarius, but there is no doubt that everything is happening all at once.

In other words, it is the Age of Aquarius and we are coming out of the Dark Ages and entering the Golden Age, which is also the end of Kali Yuga.

The end of Kali Yuga is very powerful.

On January 15, 2024, we could feel this energy.

From January 15, 2024 to February 5, 2024, what is wonderful for us is the activation of the sacred male.

We will talk about what this means for the sacred male and the collective.

Then there are the satellites of Jupiter.

The square also happened at the same time as the full moon in Leo.

This means that Jupiter is expanding.

It is about New Horizons expanding correctly.

So what we can expect is dynamic change.

We can expect new beginnings and profound changes.

And also, Pluto has moved into Aquarius.

Pluto has been in Capricorn for the past 20 years and has once again moved into the sign of Aquarius.

The same theme is heading into the Age of Aquarius.

Pluto entering Aquarius ...

Pluto in Aquarius is accelerating because this is very powerful.

Pluto is the planet of destruction and rebirth.

So this will be like a thunderstorm.

It will be devastating.

But very fast.

So our minds and mental structures and stresses will change in the blink of an eye.

Pluto in Aquarius is a big power trip.

It has viral energy.

You only have to think of something and within hours or days it will manifest.

This is acceleration.

This is a significant change we are causing.

Basically you can expect it to happen in the next 20 years, because the last time Pluto was in Aquarius, there was the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and major changes in the human structure basically because Aquarius is a revolutionary. We can expect this to happen in the next year (2025).

We can expect to see 20 years of major civil revolutions and major changes in the world monarchical structure.

This sort of thing is basically what we will see in 2024, with major changes imminent within the next 20 years.

Dragon's announcement was expected on February 10.

I want to tell you as a timeline, as I am looking at all these major transitions here, December 2023, January 2024, February.

These months are quite important for these huge events.

Huge endings, huge beginnings.

As far as the Twin Flame is concerned, what I am seeing is that the Divine Feminine was actually activated very strongly in the Tiger Year of 2022.

That was a very big marker for the sacred feminine.

I am not saying that nothing happened prior to that, but the critical timing, acceleration and timeline show that the Tiger Year 2022 was significant.

Because of the sacred feminine and its activation, there was basically a two-year period, so the last two years, 2022 was the Year of the Tiger and 2023 was the Year of the Rabbit.

Those were the years of the activation of the sacred feminine.

And now we see here.

And the year of the dragon will be the year of the sacred male, and 2024 will be the year of the very activation of the sacred male, and this year will be the year of the sacred male who is really activated and closely cooperated with by the Divine, and I see this as progress for humanity.

The next two years, the year of the dragon and the year of the snake, are masculine years and will be very strongly activated and I see massive transformation taking place in the next two years.

So 2025 is the year of the dragon and will be the year of the snake.

The year 2026 will be the year of the Noon.

This coincides with the end of the Kali Yuga.

Here we see that the year 2006, the year of the noon, is the year we actually begin to recognize the presence of Kiki.

Kiki is said to be the tenth incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu, who comes at the end of the Kali Yuga and basically ends the age of darkness.

He rides a white horse and wears white robes.

With his double-edged sword, he basically comes down to fight the earth and establish his kingdom on earth.

This is the same story of Jesus coming back.

He rides on a white horse and then he comes here.

I see this coexisting as a prophecy because it will destroy the darkness and evil in this world and I see this happening in 2026.

Or at least, I see evidence of it.

Because this year 2024 is the year of the dragon, the year of the profound, and we are in the acceleration phase.

We can expect sacred men to intervene in their power.

Sacred men are the main event.

This is what is happening now.

We are now at the point where the sacred man is heading.

To really begin to step into his power, he is the last to go because this twin flame connection and their part of this energy is the power house.

It's okay. They are the sun.

It is the energy of the sun.

The sun is like a power house in the sky.

The moon plays a very important role on this planet.

It is absolutely essential.

But the sun is called that because it is really the center of the solar system.

The solar system is a powerhouse, a great energy that does the most work.

And even the sacred men, once they step into that power, are going to anchor this energy completely in the solar system.

They are the roots of this.

They are the roots of the system.

They are the grounding energy.

They are the ones who are actually bringing it down here to Earth.

This is a powerful energy.

They have to be strong enough.

The masculine energy is stronger than the feminine energy.

It is the same as the sun is a stronger energy than the moon.

It is just that it is not better or worse.

It is just different.

The masculine energy has to be stronger.

That is the job.

To be stronger, if you look at the male body and the female body, the male body has more muscles.

That is because it is necessary.

Women's bodies are softer.

Because women give birth to babies.

The male body has more muscles .

Because he has to provide the right things.

He is the provider, he has to give.

He must have a muscular body to do the work and feed the woman properly.

So this is the same thing we are talking about here about energy.

Everything we see physically.

It is a reflection of what is in the energy.

Masculine energy is more powerful.

Because it needs to be stronger.

It is grounding.

It is drawing energy into the earth here.

And the years to come will be really profound.

Because it is the main event, just like us.

The sacred men come last because they are the main event.

Sacred women are first.

This started in the year of the tiger in 2022 and the year of the rabbit in 2023.

A very big event is happening for sacred women.

Sacred Women are already done.

Jump right in.

For the next few years, for sacred women, sacred women have done a lot of work in the last two years, so what is happening to us is that we are moving to the next level.

We are moving to the next level because the Twin Flame is energetically connected.

The sacred women who have been doing the work for the past two years have made it possible for the sacred men to step into that role now.

And it is now fully activated to begin to embody the divine male, and again the twin flame is energetically connected at all times.

So as the Divine Male begins to manifest its power, this will also affect the Divine Feminine, and the Divine Feminine will also move to the next level, because they (the Twin Flame) are now able to step into the role of the Divine Feminine.

This is because they (the Twin Flames) are always playing with each other like a tree system.

There is a visual of the Twin Flame being the tree in the Tree of Life, the sacred male system being the root system, and the sacred female with the bran branch being just above that branch.

The sacred woman has leaves and produces fruit, but we know that is the system.

It is not that they are not separate.

They are one overall system that works well together.

This is always true energetically in the case of the twin flame.

The Divine Feminine went first.

But now the Divine Male goes deep into the roots of this planet and begins to root this energy deep into the earth.

This will see the divine feminine become even more beautiful and more powerful to truly thrive and prosper.

I know we are really starting to move to the next level, but basically this will look different for each twin flame.

It will look different for each twin flame because we are in different places, but basically these two years will be focused on the sacred male, but in 2026 when the year of the Noon begins we will have some serious bonding happen.

Because men are going through a process of stepping into the sacred male.

What I am seeing is a very huge number of twin frames joining together, physically joining together and anchoring it,

energy down to the earth, which means that we know that the new earth is really going to be formed in a way that it has never been formed before.

It will be truly anchored firmly to the Earth.

Natural Mystic
