Hamstring injury
Biceps femoris short (breve) head and long (longus) heads.
First I'm going to talk about anatomy of hamstring the hamstring.
It consists of 3 muscles which are Biceps femoris short (breve) head, long (longus) heads, ST, SM.
These 3 muscles work together to flex the knee and extend the hip.
The ST and SM internally rotate the knee while the BF externally rotates the knee.
The hamstring muscles are vital to an athlete's performance as the hamstrings are used when jumping and running and in most motions performed during sports activities.
Hamstring injuries are mainly caused by running.
Every time athletes land on their feet with their hips flexed and knees extended.
Rapid eccentric contraction of the hamstrings occurs which may lead to hamstring strain injuries.
Hamstring strain injuries are common among sprinters.
The following are the RF for hamstring strain injuries:
1. Inadequate muscle strength
2. LOM - limitation of motion
3. No warm-up
4. Muscle fatigue accumulation
5. Bad posture while running
6. Body muscular imbalance
7. Unbalanced quad-hams strength ratio
The following are the hamstring strain symptoms:
1. Difficulty running
2. Audible popping sound when running
3. Tenderness on point of injury
5. Pain upon stretching of the hams
6. Swelling of the distal point of injury 2-3 days after
7. Subcutaneous bleeding which will lead to a visible purplish discoloration of the skin on the distal point of injury (bruising)
The recovery period for most athletes would be around 8 weeks but will always depend on the symptoms.
There are 3 types of hamstring injuries that have varying recovery periods.
as for the 3rd type of hams injury which requires surgery, a recovery period of 2-6 months would most probably be needed.