Pitching obstacle
In baseball, the pitching motion requires the movement of both upper and lower extremities.
What's most important is the stability and condition of the hip.
The pitching motion is divided into 5 phases.
During the wind-up phase, trainers/coaches should make sure that the athlete maintains an upright trunk posture with his/her hips slightly flexed.
During the early cocking phase. the scapulothoracic joint stability and mobility are vital. If the ST joint is unstable, the mechanical stress on the elbow joint will increase which will cause the elbow to drop when pitching.
Gluteus medius, biceps femoris, and the adductor longus are also very important during the early cocking phase. So athletes should increase their muscle strength through training.
Using a single plane motion is important to prevent injuries and improve performance in terms of speed and control.
For baseball, what's important are the ST joint and strengthening the muscles and structures around the scapula by elastic band training // theraband.