では、私たちはどのようにして神の臨在を 私たちの人生、また私たちの教会に取り戻していけばよいのでしょう?
1. 私たちは主に、仮庵を建て直すことを許さなければなりません(アモス9:11)。
- 仮庵(幕屋)とは私たちの体、また私たちの教会の集会のことを指します。
- 仮庵(幕屋)が倒れたのは、神の臨在が もはや臨まなくなってしまったからです。
2. 私たちは主に、壊れた ところを繕うように許していかなければなりません(アモス9:11)。
- 「壊れた」という言葉は、「すき間 gap」を意味する場合もあります。私たちの人生を滅ぼすサタン、罪や悪霊にさえも 私たちは扉を開き得ます。
(NIV訳「I will repair its broken walls わたしは壊れた壁を繕い/修復し...」。新改訳第3版と新改訳2017年版「その破れを繕い」)。
- 私たちの壊れた心や、壊れ打ちひしがれた感情から私たちは癒されなければなりません。私たちのたましいは、神の臨在を求めることに戻らなければなりません。
3. 私たちは主に、倒れている仮庵(幕屋)を建て直すことを許さなければなりません(アモス9:11〜12)。
- 主は私たちに、ご自身の栄光を一日中、現わしたいと願っておられます。
- 主はご自分の家を、ご自身の臨在の現われと ご自身の力によって建てていかれます。
- 信者として、私たちは 聖霊による、神の臨在の現われの宮なのです(1コリント3:16)。
- イエスは ご自分の教会を、その臨在の現われによってお建てになります(マタイ16:18)。
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス
Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-How to restore the presence of God back to our lives
Dear blessed saints!
The Lord is our Shepherd and we shall not want (Ps.23:1).
The presence of Jesus causes us to live in the blessings of God.
The more we experience the presence of God, our lack disappears from our lives.
The presence of God brings restoration to us, and heals our mind and our emotions.
We as human beings were all created to be full of the presence of God.
We must see the restoration of the presence of God in our lives and even in our church services.
God wants to manifest Himself to us and to His church.
So how do we restore the presence of God back into our lives and in our churches.
1. We must allow the Lord to rebuild the tent of meeting (Amos 9:11)
- The tent is our bodies and also our church gatherings.
- The tent has fallen because the presence of God does not come anymore.
- Our lives and our church meetings must restore the manifest presence of God (The ark of God).
2. We must allow the Lord to repair the broken places (Amos 9:11)
- Broken can also mean gaps. We can open doors to Satan, sin and even to demons that destroy our lives.
- We must be healed of our broken hearts and our broken emotions. Our soul must go back to seek the presence of God.
3. We must allow the Lord to build the fallen tent (Amos 9:11-12)
-The Lord wants to reveal His Glory to us all day long.
- The Lord will build His House by His manifest presence and by His power.
- We as believers are the temple of the manifest presence of God through the Holy Spirit (1 Cor.3:16).
- Jesus builds His church through His manifest presence (Mt.16:18).
Let us allow the Lord to restore His presence back to our lives and in our church services.
Let us seek His presence until we find His presence. Yes, we can feel the presence of God!
All for the restoration of the Glory of God!
apostle Gaius Lawrence