-私たちが違った道に行かないよう、私たちに助言するために聖書を知っているクリスチャンのリーダーたちを 私たちはみな必要としています。
-神の計画は常に良いもので、祝福に満ち満ちています。私たちは神が将来、私たちのために ご自身の計画を実行してくださることを望んでいます!
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス
Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-How to stay in the Perfect Plan of God!
Dear victorious saints!
We have started the new year of the redemption cycle.
God redeems us out of the kingdom of darkness, so that we can serve God by doing His perfect plan for our lives.
Jesus told us to pray for the will of God to be done in our lives.
God has a perfect plan for us!
There are 5 main ways to stay in the perfect plan of God:
1.Trust the Lord to do His will (Prov.3:5-6)
-To trust means to not rely only on your own understanding.
-To trust means to acknowledge God in everything we do. We need to let God know that we want His guidance.
-When we talk to God about our plans, He directs our paths!
2.We need to surrender our life to God’s Plan (Rom.12:1-2)
-When we present our bodies to God, God can lead us.
-We must renew our mind to God’s perfect plan. Not our plan but let us pursue Gods good plan.
3.Get counsel (Prov.11:14)
-People fall and fail when they do not receive counsel.
-We need a multitudes of counsellors if we want to be safe.
-We all need Christian leaders who know the Bible to counsel us so that we do not go on a different path.
4.We must always be listening to God (John 10:27)
-Christians are hearing Jesus, because Jesus said my sheep hear my voice. The key is to really listen to what Jesus is saying.
-The voice of Jesus comes to us through visions and dreams. This is the voice of the Holy Spirit and the spirit of prophecy.
-Everyday we should make time just to listen to Jesus. Jesus teaches us how to live in the perfect plan of God.
5.Always say, “If it is God’s will” (James 4:13-15)
-We always have our plans and that is ok. But we should always be ready to do the plan of God.
-We usually do not know our future. We should always say that we will do something if it is the will of God.
-The plan of God is always good and it is full of blessings. We want God to be able to do His plan for us in the future!
All for the Perfect Plan of God!
apostle Gaius Lawrence