


私たちが受け取った新たな力の油注ぎのゆえに、私たちは神の祝福において増加することが可能になります (使徒1:5, 8)。


1.神の力は「私たちの言葉」によって現われます (マルコ11:23)。
- 神の力は、私たちに語るようにさせます (使徒 2:4)。
-神はご自身の語られし言葉によって、世界を造られました(創 1:3)。
2.神の力は「私たちの賛美」を通して現われます(詩篇 22:3)。
-賛美は、私たちの霊的敵どもを鎮めます (詩篇 8:2)。
-賛美は、私たちの霊的敵どもを縛るようにさせます (詩篇 149:6-9)。

3.神の力は「私たちの手」を通して現われます(マルコ 16:16-17)。
-神の力は、布の生地にさえも分与することができます (使徒 19:11-12)。
●皆さんのお金に向かって命じましょう! お金が皆さんの決断を決定させないようにしましょう!
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- 3 Ways to Release the Power of God!

Dear victorious saints!

We are now in the season of three months of warfare!
We can increase in the blessings of God because of the fresh anointing of power that we have received (Acts 1:5,8).
The Holy Spirit wants us to manifest the anointing of power that is in us.
The power of God can cause us to overcome sin, sickness, curses, and even poverty.
Every believer can live a victorious life.
Here are three ways to manifest the power of God;

1.The power of God manifests through our words (Mk.11:23)
-The power of God causes us to speak (Acts 2:4).
-God created the world by His spoken words (Gen.1:3).
-Our words must command the mountains and darkness to be removed.

2.The power of God manifests through our praise (Ps.22:3)
-When we praise the Lord, His presence and power comes.
-Praise silences our spiritual enemies (Ps.8:2).
-Praise will cause our spiritual enemies to be bound (Ps.149:6-9).
3.The power of God manifests through our hands (Mk.16:16-17).
-We can lay hands and release the power of God in us.
-The power of God can be imparted to even cloths (Acts 19:11-12).
-The power of God causes the demons and sicknesses to flee!
⚫︎Speak to your problems and to your sinful habits and command it to go!
⚫︎Speak to your sickness by name and command it to go!
⚫︎Speak to your poverty and lack and command it to go!
⚫︎Speak to your money! Do not let money talk to you!
⚫︎Speak to your curses and command it to go!
⚫︎Lay your hands on yourself, your family, your house, your business and release the anointing by saying, “Receive the blessings of God!
⚫︎Thank and Praise the Lord always as you see your spiritual enemies be silenced!

All for Victory in Jesus!
Apostle Gaius Lawrence
