The Economistで自分が使いたい/興味持った表現を集約してみたver2



Slow progress is still progress.(ゆっくりでも前進は前身)

コツコツ続けていって、 見覚えがある→意味がわかる→意識して使える までを徹底的にやっていきます。

・ 気になったphrase11-20 の列挙
・10個のphraseをChat GPTさんに依頼して英検1級レベルで文章に

・ 気になったphrase11-20 の列挙

-The Economist
The data hinted at racism among white doctors.
Then scholars looked again Science that fits the zeitgeist sometimes does not fit the data
・hint (at):示唆する、ほのめかす

-The Economist
Japanese economy is now at a critical juncture, with wages finally starting to grow.
・juncture :岐路、時点

-The Economist
Some will do so out of grievance, because they think Kamala Harris is a radical Marxist who will destroy their country.
・radical:過激な、急進的な Marxist:マルクス主義者


-The Economist
Nothing is more nakedly partisan than an American political convention.
・nakedly - あからさまな
・partisan - 特定の党派や立場に偏った

-The Economist
So it was all the more striking that, at the Democrats’ jamboree in Chicago in August
・striking - 非常に目立つ、印象的な
・jamboree - 盛大な集会、特に祝祭やパーティー

-The Economist
The two major-party candidates are criss-crossing the country, scrambling to raise funds and motivate voters.
・scrambl: 奔走する、かき集める
・criss-cross: 交差する、(場所を)あちこち行き交う

-The Economist
How to avoid anarchy in Antarctica
All that stands between the status quo and chaos is a fragile treaty
All that stands between the status quo and chaos"は強調構文の一部であり、
「現在の状態(the status quo)と混乱(chaos)の間に立ちはだかるもの全て」という意味です。
ビートルズの「All You Need Is Love(愛こそはすべて)」も同じ用法だよな。

-The Economist
Why aren’t Harris and Trump listening to Pennsylvania’s steelworkers?
The candidates oppose the takeover of US Steel. But employees want it to go ahead

-The Economist
If Democrats are to retain the majority, they will need to cling on not just in swing states, but in red ones like Ohio and Montana.

are to: are to + 動詞の原形で、意図や予定、条件を示す。if節で使うと、将来のある条件のニュアンスが強くなる

majority: 大部分とかは知ってても、「過半数」という解釈ができるかで文意をより掴めるよなぁ。

-The Economist
Dan Osborn, an independent, may pull off an upset win in Nebraska.
・pull off: 「成し遂げる」「成功させる」
・an upset win: 番狂わせの勝利

You seem upset. What happened?”
2. 「怒っている、腹を立てている」の意味で
I think she's really upset with me for forgetting her birthday.
3. 「番狂わせ、予想外の勝利」の意味で
Did you watch the game last night? That was a huge upset!





















18.pull off/pʊl ˈɔːf/成し遂げる、成功させる


・10個のphraseをChat GPTさんに依頼して英検1級レベルで文章に

At this pivotal juncture in history, candidates from both major parties are frantically criss-crossing the nation, each striving to pull off a remarkable upset win. Their rhetoric has grown increasingly partisan, with one side nakedly labeling its opponent as radical Marxists who, they claim, threaten the very fabric of society. Some candidates, out of a deep-seated grievance, cling to the notion that only they can restore stability to a society teetering on the brink of chaos.
In a striking twist reflective of the zeitgeist, Antarctica has also become a battleground—not of ideologies, but of international treaties that hang by a thread. As anarchy looms in this fragile territory, candidates are hinting at plans to either uphold or dismantle existing accords, with each stance intended to resonate deeply with their core supporters. With passions inflamed and ambitions high, both parties cling not only to red states but also to swing regions, leaving voters in a state of heightened tension.
Ultimately, these campaigns reveal more than just policy disagreements; they expose a divide that mirrors the ideological fractures shaping modern society. As candidates scramble to consolidate their bases, the question remains whether their fervent partisanship can lead to genuine unity—or if the nation, much like Antarctica, is on the edge of an irreversible state of disarray.



1. "At this pivotal juncture in history, candidates from both major parties are frantically criss-crossing the nation, each striving to pull off a remarkable upset win."

  • "At this pivotal juncture in history"

    • 前置詞句 "At" で始まっており、"this pivotal juncture in history" が前置詞の目的語です。ここでは「この歴史的に重要な岐路において」という意味です。

  • "candidates from both major parties"

    • 主語。"candidates" が主語で、その後の "from both major parties" は candidates を修飾する前置詞句です。

  • "are frantically criss-crossing the nation"

    • 動詞句。"are criss-crossing" は現在進行形で、"frantically" は副詞として、動作が「必死に」行われていることを示しています。

  • "each striving to pull off a remarkable upset win."

    • "each" は "candidates" の各々を指し、"striving to pull off" の "striving" は現在分詞であり、"are criss-crossing" の動作に付随する形で「~しようと努力している」という意味合いを加えています。

    • "to pull off a remarkable upset win"

      • 不定詞 "to pull off" は目的を表し、「注目の番狂わせを成し遂げようとしている」という意味です。

2. "Their rhetoric has grown increasingly partisan, with one side nakedly labeling its opponent as radical Marxists who, they claim, threaten the very fabric of society."

  • "Their rhetoric has grown increasingly partisan"

    • 主語 "Their rhetoric"、動詞 "has grown"(完了形)、補語 "increasingly partisan" で、「彼らの言説はますます偏向的になった」という意味。

  • "with one side nakedly labeling its opponent as radical Marxists"

    • "with" は付帯状況を表し、「片方の側があからさまに相手を急進的なマルクス主義者と呼んでいる」という状況を補足。

  • "who, they claim, threaten the very fabric of society."

    • 関係代名詞 "who" は "radical Marxists" を指しており、「社会の根幹を脅かす」という内容を追加。

    • 中間に挿入された "they claim" は主語が彼らの主張であることを示す補足表現。

3. "Some candidates, out of a deep-seated grievance, cling to the notion that only they can restore stability to a society teetering on the brink of chaos."

  • "Some candidates, out of a deep-seated grievance,"

    • "out of a deep-seated grievance" は前置詞句で、「深い不満から」という動機を示しています。

  • "cling to the notion that only they can restore stability to a society teetering on the brink of chaos."

    • "cling to" は動詞句、「しがみつく」という意味。

    • "that only they can restore stability" は "notion" を修飾する従属節で、「唯一彼らだけが社会に安定を取り戻せる」という主張を表現。

4. "In a striking twist reflective of the zeitgeist, Antarctica has also become a battleground—not of ideologies, but of international treaties that hang by a thread."

  • "In a striking twist reflective of the zeitgeist"

    • "In" で始まる前置詞句。形容詞 "reflective of the zeitgeist" は "twist" を修飾して「時代精神を反映する印象的な転換で」という意味に。

  • "Antarctica has also become a battleground—not of ideologies, but of international treaties that hang by a thread."

    • "not A but B" 構文。「イデオロギーのためではなく、かろうじて維持されている国際条約のための戦場」という内容。

5. "As anarchy looms in this fragile territory, candidates are hinting at plans to either uphold or dismantle existing accords, with each stance intended to resonate deeply with their core supporters."

  • "As anarchy looms in this fragile territory,"

    • 接続詞 "As" により「無秩序がこの脆弱な領域で迫る中」という意味。

  • "candidates are hinting at plans to either uphold or dismantle existing accords"

    • "are hinting" は現在進行形で、"at" は「~について」という意味で計画の内容を示唆。

  • "with each stance intended to resonate deeply with their core supporters."

    • 付帯状況の "with" 構文、「各立場が支持者に深く響くことを意図している」という追加情報を付け加えています。

6. "Ultimately, these campaigns reveal more than just policy disagreements; they expose a divide that mirrors the ideological fractures shaping modern society."

  • "Ultimately, these campaigns reveal more than just policy disagreements;"

    • 副詞 "Ultimately" で「最終的に」という意味を追加。

    • "more than just" は「単なる~以上のものを示している」という意味。

  • "they expose a divide that mirrors the ideological fractures shaping modern society."

    • "that mirrors" は "a divide" を修飾する関係代名詞節で「現代社会を形作るイデオロギーの亀

