

英語学習アドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。






"英語のティーチング × 学習アドバイス"


least favorite

Today, I'd like to talk a little about a season that comes in right before summer.

A few days ago, the Meteorological Agency announced that my least favorite season, the rainy season has arrived, which means I'll have to put up with the constant rain and uncomfortable humidity for another two to three weeks.....


〇 the Meteorological Agency:気象庁



〇 announce:発表する・知らせる

make an announcement という言い方もあります。

・Listen, there's an announcement to make.

〇 least favorite:一番好きではない=一番嫌い

little の最上級で、"最も小さい・少ない" という意味です。

・hate("大嫌い"というネガティブな表現)を避けて、 least favorite

I hate this song.

➡ This is my least favorite song.

・cheap("安い"というダイレクトな表現)を避けて least expensive

I bought this laptop because it was the cheapest in the store.

➡ I bought this laptop because it was the least expensive in the store.

〇 arrive:到着する

人だけでなく、色んなものが arrive します。

・After the rainy season is over, my favorite season, summer, arrives.

・Excuse me, it's been 30 minutes, bu our food hasn't arrived yet ......

〇 put up with .....:.......に我慢する

〇 constant:絶え間ない

・I can't put up with her constant complaints.

〇 uncomfortable:不快な

comfortable(快適な)に接頭辞の "un" がついて反対の意味を作っています。他にも

unhappy / unkind / unlimited / unsupportive / unreliable...... などなどたくさんあります。

〇 humidity【hjuːmídəti】:湿気・湿度


・What's up with today's weather? The humidity is driving me crazy.

・What's up with today's weather? It's so humid that I'm going crazy.

まだ5月なのに、、、はやくも梅雨入りしてしまいましたね ………..


That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)

〇 英語迷子から脱却するための道筋をお伝えしています!


