英語ガイドアドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。
『日本にいる海外の方をサポートできる英語力を身につけたい方を対象に、英語力の土台構築、アウトプット力、英語ガイドに必要なスキル習得を通じて、3年間で英語ガイドとして活躍できるスキルを育成し、世界中の人々とつながる力を身につけるパーソナル英語学習サポートを提供しています。(わたし自身も Sake Guide -日本酒ガイド- として、海外の方をアテンドする活動を行っています)』
One Last Reflection on 2024
It's December 31st today.
Right before this month began, I took some time to reflect on what 2024 had been like for me and put my thoughts into words through my daily writing.
At the time, I thought I wouldn’t need to do that again at the end of the year.
However, as I shared with you yesterday, quite a lot has changed, and I feel that my perspective and the way I view my life might have shifted a little bit since then.
So, I’ve decided to reflect once more to organize my thoughts to clear my vision for the coming year and beyond.
Since some of what I’ll be writing about will overlap with what I shared with you last month, I hope you don’t mind the repetition and can treat this as my personal note.
*English Services:英語サービス*
❶ Personalized English Learning Support:パーソナルサポート
The number of students receiving my personal support has increased slightly compared to last year.
While I wish I had more students, I’m deeply grateful for the ones I have now.
Their belief in me and their dedication to English inspire me to keep improving.
In fact, I feel I’ve refined my teaching skills and services over the past year by being involved in their English learning journey.
Thanks to them, I feel my teaching and support styles have become even more concrete too.
❷ Seminars:セミナー
This year, I mainly hosted two types of seminars regularly.
The first focuses on vital steps for restarting English learning.
I shortened it to a 50-minute session to make it more accessible, and despite the change, it has maintained high ratings.
The second seminar introduces Japanese sake to Japanese participants in English.
Like the English seminar, it received positive reviews, and I even had the chance to meet three participants in person after an online session.
We went out for drinks and shared a wonderful time exploring sake together.
❸ Free-trial Lessons:体験レッスン
This year, I conducted four different free trial lessons.
While I feel the need to develop new trial lesson formats, the positive feedback from participants boosted my confidence in my teaching style.
❹ Two-week Personalized Learning Support for Free:2週間の無料パーソナルサポート
I launched a new service offering a two-week personalized learning experience for free.
❺ Newsletter Subscription Service:メルマガのサブスクサービス
In October, I decided to upgrade my newsletter to include a subscription service.
❻ Blogging:ブログ
It’s been almost two years since I started blogging on a platform called "note," about a year after I began sending newsletters.
With today’s writing, I’ve completed 678 consecutive days of blogging.
*English Guide Activities:英語ガイドの活動*
❶ Sake Kanji-Hopping Tour
This is my very first original sake tour, which I started right before the pandemic in 2019.
Since its restart in the summer of 2023, the number of guests joining this tour has gradually increased.
In fact, compared to last year, I welcomed many more guests from various countries to my sake kanji tours, and I enjoyed every moment of it.
A few months ago, I introduced an upgraded version of the kanji tour.
Although only a few guests have experienced it so far, one left a wonderful review, which motivated me to keep improving.
❷ Sake Brewery Tour in Nada
Last spring, I had the opportunity to give my first sake brewery tour in Nada.
This experience gave me the confidence to handle full-day tours in addition to the evening tours I’ve been offering.
❸ Customized Sake Tour
Having the opportunity to be a one-day sake guide for foreigners visiting Nara allowed me to be more creative and opened up new possibilities for the future as a sake guide.
While researching the relationship between sake and Nara, a place I’m not very familiar with, I realized I might be able to provide different types of sake tours in various locations based on guests’ needs.
❹ Expanding as an English Guide
Until recently, my focus as an English guide was on sake-related services.
However, I’ve grown my interest in becoming a more versatile English guide and capable of conducting various types of tours for people from overseas.
This new passion has made me eager to gain even more skills and experience, which led me to join a tourism team about a week ago. I’ll start working as one of their English guides next month.
❺ Sake Brewery Tour in Shiso
This was something I hadn’t planned until December. However, my American friend’s recent visit to Himeji inspired me to create a full-day sake brewery tour in Shiso City.
It turned out to be a wonderful experience, receiving positive feedback. I think it would be great to add this tour to my existing services.
I’ll be submitting the tour to Airbnb Experiences soon and promoting it on my sake tour website too.
❋Challenges Leading to a New Direction:新たな道へのきっかけ❋
Until August, I committed to meeting 100 new people each month—a challenge that lasted about four months and introduced me to over 500–600 people.
While it didn’t result in as many meaningful opportunities as I had hoped, the experience inspired me to take on a new challenge: building my own community.
❋Launching English Communities:英語コミュニティー❋
This was something I never envisioned myself doing last year.
The absence of meaningful connections from meeting over 100 new people every month made me want to create a space where I could interact with people who share my passions and interests.
In September and October, I launched two communities: Himeji English Exchange and Himeji English Tours.
Through these, I set a long-term goal of becoming a bridge between Himeji locals and people from overseas.
So far, I’ve organized more than ten different meetup events.
Although attendance has been modest, I’ve connected with several like-minded individuals passionate about English and international exchange, which reassures me of the value of this effort.
*English Learning:英語学習*
❶ English Every Day:毎日取り組む
Since I began taking English seriously nearly a decade ago, I haven’t taken a single day off from studying.
Needless to say, my desire to become a better English speaker has always driven me to follow this path. But there’s another major reason I’ve been so fixated on this habit.
I encourage my students to work on their English every single day, no matter how busy they are.
As someone who teaches them English and gives advice on their learning journey, I feel responsible for practicing what I preach.
I want to set a good example for them by working on my own English every day, no matter what.
Of course, there have been ups and downs in terms of how much time I can dedicate each day, but I’ve managed to keep up this habit throughout 2024, and I feel proud of myself for that.
❷ National Licensed Interpreter Guide:全国通訳案内士
This year’s biggest achievement as an English learner was deciding to take the National Licensed Interpreter Guide exam next year.
Preparing for this exam is already challenging, but I’m excited about the discoveries and growth it will bring.
Regardless of the outcome, I know this commitment will benefit me as both an English guide and an English teacher.
Reflecting on a year’s worth of activities is never easy takes because it takes a lot of time and thought.
To be honest, I was leaning toward relaxing today and writing about something lighter and shorter.
However, I’m glad I decided to look back on the past twelve months one more time.
Thanks to this reflection, I feel ready to start a new chapter toward my goals with a refreshed mind.
Last but not least, thank you very much for reading my daily writings.
I hope you’ve found this service enjoyable and helpful for your learning.
I’ll continue this service next year, starting tomorrow.
I hope 2025 will be another deep, meaningful, and invaluable year filled with joy and laughter.
1. Reflect:振り返る、反省する
I like to reflect on my achievements at the end of each year.
2. Inspire:感動させる、刺激を与える
Her dedication to learning English inspired me to work harder.
3. Commitment:約束、献身
His commitment to daily practice has greatly improved his English.
4. Accessible:利用しやすい、アクセスしやすい
The new library is more accessible for students with disabilities.
5. Versatile:多才な、多用途の
She is a versatile teacher who can adapt to students’ needs.
That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)
〇 この記事を書いてるのはこんな人
その後29歳まで飲食店勤務とストリートバスケに奮闘。30歳目前で "英語を使って仕事をしよう"と決意し再勉強。2年でTOEIC900オーバー達成。そこから、
英語講師6年 / 日本語教師5年 / 日本酒の酒蔵で英語ガイド7年 / 海外の方へ日本酒発信活動・インバウンド観光客対象のオリジナル日本酒ツアー3年
- 実績 -