

<liberty 「自由」という言葉も完全に英語と日本語とでは同一であるとは言えない。拘束からの自由という意味の”freedom”はわかっていても、精神そのものの自由を意味するliberty、それに、それを動詞にしたliberatingにいたっては真の訳語は見当たらない。Liberating influenceまたはliberating forceというような表現は、日本語にはないある心理的な、大きな意味での「解放」― これはどちらかと言えば仏教などで言う「さとり」の境地に近い「自由」をもたらす力―ということで、その人に接していると、あるいはその人の作品に接していると、そういう「解放感」が味わえるといったふうに使われる。…>
 今大統領選で民主党候補のカマラ・ハリスと副大統領候補のティム・ウォルズは”freedom”と叫んでいますね。これに関してWall Street Journal(印刷版8月23日付)に興味深い社説が出ております。タイトルは<Defining “Freedom” Down at the DNC Democrats in Chicago hijack the word to disguise a coercive agenda>です。 「シカゴの民主党(民主党全国大会のこと)は、強制的なアジェンダを隠すためにfreedomという言葉を乗っ取る」というのですから、ドナルド・トランプが、「カマラ・ハリスは共産主義者だ」と非難するのは納得できます。また高橋洋一氏もみごとに看破しているように、ハリスは頭がよくないですね。そろそろハリスの頭の悪さはばれつつありますが、すでに気づいている人も多いと思います。
Democrats in Chicago this week are casting themselves as the party of "freedom," which is surprising since liberty is usually a Republican theme. But like so much else in U.S. politics these days, it pays to inspect what they mean by the word.
Wednesday night was pitched as Freedom Night at the convention, and Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz offered a revealing definition.
"When Republicans use the word 'freedom,' they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor's office, corporations free to pollute your air and water, and banks free to take advantage of customers," he said. "But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love, freedom to make your own healthcare decisions, and yeah, your kids' freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot."
This is worth unpacking. Most Americans probably think of freedom as rights conferred by natural law or the Constitution, such as free speech or religious liberty.
Mr. Walz means freedom in the sense of "positive rights," which are government conferred benefits. This echoes FDR's famous Four Freedoms that included the "freedom from want." Government programs such as Social Security in this formulation are a guarantee of freedom -- even if the taxes to pay for them limit the freedom of others.
Mr. Walz's freedom from being shot is another example. He's endorsing, in euphemistic fashion, the government's use of coercion to take guns off the street. The individual right to bear arms is conferred explicitly in the Second Amendment, as reinforced in multiple Supreme Court opinions.
Yet in Mr. Walz's view, gun control -- denying a right -- becomes a form of freedom. Coercion is liberty. We suspect most Americans would define the freedom to go to school safely simply as the duty of government to control crime and provide for public safety.
Mr. Walz and the Harris Democrats have a better point on the freedom to get an abortion -- though in practice abortion isn't all that restricted even after Roe v. Wade was overturned. The Guttmacher Institute, which favors abortion rights, reports that there were more than a million abortions in the U.S. in 2023, the most in more than a decade and 10% more than in 2020.
The real freedom trick here is that it disguises that Democratic policies seek to restrict liberty across American society. The method is government coercion, and the vehicle is the vast administrative state.
The party's climate obsessions require that Americans eventually be denied the choice to buy a gas stove, or a gasoline-powered car. ObamaCare meant you lost the healthcare plan you liked, and a medical board was given the power to deny access to certain expensive treatments until outrage forced its repeal. This is the rationing -- brute regulatory force -- that always comes with government healthcare.
This coercion extends to imposing cultural and religious values even on the unwilling. The Biden Administration's Title IX rule seeks to impose its views of transgender rights on schools across the country. The federal courts recently enjoined the rule.
Or recall how the Little Sisters of the Poor had to go all the way to the Supreme Court -- twice -- to vindicate a religious liberty not to have to buy health insurance that financed abortifacients. Is this what Mr. Walz means by the "freedom to make your own healthcare decisions"?
The worst example of Democratic Party coercion is its demand that tens of millions of children be forced into union-controlled public schools. The Biden-Harris Democrats oppose vouchers and charter schools even for the poorest families trapped in the worst schools. Some freedom that is.
The larger point is that Democrats in Chicago are hijacking the language of freedom, a bedrock American principle, to disguise their agenda of interjecting the government into every aspect of American life -- from cradle to grave, from the garage to the kitchen.
They are defining freedom down, and if Republicans are half awake they'll make that clear to the voters.
この社説の中にThe real freedom trick here is that it disguises that Democratic policies seek to restrict liberty across American society. The method is government coercion,という部分があります。<freedomをめぐる真のごまかしは、民主党の政策がアメリカ社会全体のlibertyを規制しようとしていることを隠そうとしていることだ。その方法とは、政府による強制である>ということですが、民主党の言うfreedomという言葉にだまされるな、ということを言いたいのです。民主党の言うfreedomは政府のcoercion(強制)であるということです。これでばれましたね。
 また、This is worth unpacking,という表現もこの論説の中に出てきますが、unpackは最近特によく使われる単語で、 意味はこうです。
to explain or examine something in order to make its meaning clearer:
(Cambridge Dictionary)
<より明確にするために説明すること>です。X(旧twitter)でもThere is a lot to unpack here.という表現がしょっちゅう出てきます。<解明・説明すべきことがたくさんある>という意味です。
 私もインタビューで、相手に対してもっと詳しく説明してほしいときに”Unpack …..”とよく使います。ネイティブがよく使う表現は、使った方がいい。一発で通じるからです。(3)にも書きましたが、例えば私が車を運転しているとき、助手席にアメリカ人が乗っていて、右に曲がってほしいとき”Make a right”と言われます。”Turn right.”とは言われません。だから逆に私が相手に右に曲がってほしいとき同じ表現を使います。表現が正しいとか間違っているということではなく、ネイティブが使う表現を使うのがベストです。それはアメリカ人が日本語を学ぶときもそうです。日本人が使っている表現を使うのがベストです。ネイティブが使う自然な表現が最も文法的に正しいのです。
©Kazumoto Ohno (大野和基)
