


よろしければスタエフの【All English #6】の音声配信と合わせてお聴きください。





🔗 https://stand.fm/episodes/67873484510faa8d5eff3a18



























Hello everyone, welcome to this is our happy place. I'm Kanako and this is the 6th episode of our English series and let's get started.
So to recap, I was talking about my first study abroad in United States in the previous episode.
I will leave the link below.


So in this episode, I'm going to describe the events that made me decide not to take a job and go and study English abroad instead.

OK, So, after I came back from the study abroad, I was a 4th year in a university, it was a final year, so the typical path for graduating students is hunting a job. And I did it, I did it too.

Although I started the job hunting search later than the most in 2008, it was relatively easy because subprime loan issue and event. I think it was just before that. But I got the two job offers in hand, so the path seems to set. I secured a job.

So around that time, I and other three girlfriends planned to go on a graduation trip.

We decided to go Indonesia and then Singapore. Mainly, we stayed Bali Island, so it was my first independent travel abroad without supervision or parents. So we planned by ourselves, booked the tickets, booked the package, actually. But, you know, it was exciting, and also it was anticipation of exploring new country.

So when we got there, I had an opportunity to use my English skill. Because, you know, I went to study abroad before, so I was the only one. Like, you know, sounds like I studied English, so, but and I was here we go, I have opportunity to use, you know, don't worry, I can translate for you, you know, type of thing, so. But I got to realize that my English skill wasn't good at all, and although even though I went to two months study abroad, it was kind of embarrassing.

So beside that, the trip was awesome, was amazing, and the place I visited we the place we visited, especially ruling of Borobudur. Borobudur was fantastic, fantastic, outstanding. One of the probably the best like my favorite ruins in the world so far, even up to now. I also felt how it, how culturally different it was. It was such a eye -opening experience for me.

So I, after I came back from the graduation trip, coincidentally, I saw a poster advertising on the street in my hometown. And that was about looking for young people to join, to be a crew on a cruise ship, so, you know, like the photo of cruise ship. And then says, like, we are looking for, like young people, young adults who are willing to join us. And, you know, traveling, all traveling the world for, I think, six months or something like that. So like, Oh my god, that sounds exciting and maybe I should take it, maybe I should take it on.

And I was like, thinking about it over and over.

But around that time, my cousin just came back from Canada, he went, he went to. He went to, he went to Toronto as a working holiday, and he came back with a wife who he met in, who he met there. And she happened to be, like she used to work as a student agent in Toronto.

So so, you know, we haven't connected in such a long time and we decided to get together. And you know, you know, since she was working in a student agent. And I was also, you know, curious about what the working holiday is about, right?

So I, I, I met, I met them and asked so many questions. And she, she described, she described all detail about. You know how to prepare, you know what to prepare, how to get the visa, like working holiday visa and what to do. And where you can search the information, like where you can find homestay and how can find a school and all that kind of things.
So I was like, ”Hey, maybe I could do that!!"
And maybe "I should do that!! "

And I started to look for further information by myself, and then I decided, you know what? Instead of taking the job offer, I decided to go into Canada to explore and study English, more so Canada.

Here I come and there you go, I come.

So the conclusion is, through my, through my journey, how the power of a curiosity has led, has led my path. Also, it is important to be open to new experiences. There are always opportunities, often presented themselves in unexpected ways.

And the key is to have an antenna like antenna, like antenna, and having an antenna, having the antenna for any opportunity, any opportunity, any information is very important and crucial.

How to have an antenna?
Well, simply just paying attention to the world around you and more importantly.

Listening to your heart.

I think that's it. So hope you enjoyed this episode and I will talk to you next time. Thank you for listening and have a good one. Bye -bye.

