
英会話カランメソッド復習(Stage 4)


Are young boys generally physically stronger than men?
No, young boys aren’t generally physically stronger than men; they’re generally weaker than men.

What's your favorite drink apart from water when you feel very thirsty?
My favourite drink apart from water when I feel very thirsty is tea.

What do you do if you have lots of work to do and a friend talks to you all the time?
If I have lots of work to do and a friend talks to me all the time, I tell him to go away.

Do you think it's worth buying an umbrella if I live in a country where it only rains about once a month?
No, I don’t think it’s worth buying an umbrella if I live in a country where it only rains about once a month.

Are your shoes worth as much now as they were when you bought them?
No, my shoes aren’t worth as much now as they were when I bought them; they’re worth less now than they were when I bought them.

Do we always use contractions in English?
No, we don’t always use contractions in English.We don't use contractions when they are difficult to pronounce.

Can you communicate very complicated ideas easily in English?
No, I can’t communicate very complicated ideas easily in English.

What's the difference between the noun “practice“ and the verb “practise“? 
The difference between the noun “practice“ and the verb “practise“ is that we spell the noun with a “c“ and we spell the verb with an “s.“

What's the use in studying languages?
The use in studying languages is to make it possible for us to speak to people from other countries.

Which is the most common way of asking a question with the verb ‘have’ in the past?
The most common way of asking a question with the verb ‘have’ in the past is “Did you have a pen?”

What's the difference between “a“ and “an“ ?
The difference between “a“ and “an“ is that we use “a“ before a consonant sound whereas we use “an“ before a vowel sound.

Why is it right to say “an hour“?
Because the letter “h“ in the word “hour“ is silent.

Do people generally succeed in getting what they want if they try hard enough?
Yes, people generally succeed in getting what they want if they try hard enough.

Will you have to wait if I arrive too early for the next lesson?
Yes, I’ll have to wait if I arrive too early for the next lesson.

How do we form a noun from a verb?
We sometimes form a noun from a verb by adding the letters “er” to the verb.

Do you think it’s important to be positive about life and full of hope for the future?
Yes, I think it’s important to be positive about life and full of hope for the future.

Do you believe it’ll be possible in the future for people to live until they’re two hundred years old?
No, I don’t believe it’ll be possible in the future for people to live until they’re two hundred years old.

What's the difference between “to do the shopping“ and “to go shopping“ is that “to do the shopping“?
The difference between “to do the shopping“ and “to go shopping“ is that “to do the shopping“ means to buy the things that are necessary for the house, such as food etc., whereas “to go shopping“ means to visit shops generally.

Does good news put a smile on my face?
Yes, good news put a smile on my face.

What are the three froms of an English verb?
The three forms of an English verb are the present, the past and the past participle.

Do we use the present perfect to talk about our experiences?
Yes, we use the present perfect to talk about our experiences.

Do we also use the present perfect to talk about the duration of an action up to now?
Yes, we also use the present perfect to talk about the duration of an action up to now.

Do we also use the present perfect to talk about the result now of a past?
Yes, we also use the present perfect to talk about the result now of a past.

Do you remember when to use capital letters in English? Tell me please.
We use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, for the pronoun “I“, and for the first letter of people’s names, place names, days of the week, months of the year, nationalities and languages.

What's one use of “to be going to”?
One use of “to be going to” is to say what we think will happen because of something we know now.

What's another use of “to be going to”?
Another use of “to be going to” is to speak about our future intentions.

What's the difference between those two sentences, “Mr Brown has been to Scotland“, and “Mr Brown has gone to Scotland“?
The difference between those two sentences is that the first sentence means that Mr Brown has visited Scotland in his life but he is not there now, whereas the second sentence means he is in Scotland; he is not here now.

We can say “Mr Brown has gone to Scotland”, but not “I have gone to Scotland”, because “I have gone to Scotland“ means I am not here now, which is impossible.

What does the word “whether” mean?
The word “whether” means the same as “if” and we generally use it when we express a doubt.

What's another use of the word “whether“?
We also use “whether“ when two possible actions have the same result.

What's the difference between these two sentences?

  • i'm going to buy the car if it's cheap.

  • I'm going to buy the car whether it's cheap or not.

The difference between these two sentences is that the first sentence means I’m going to buy the car only if it’s cheap, whereas the second sentence means I’m going to buy the car if it’s cheap or expensive; the price is not important.

When do we use the 1st conditional?
We use the 1st conditional to communicate that we think something is a real possibility.


When do we use the 2nd conditional?
We use the 2nd conditional to communicate that we are only imagining something.


例文:If I knew it, I would tell you.知ってたら言うよ。

ちなみに3rd Conditionalというのもあって、事実とは違う過去の仮定に使われ、2nd conditionalの例文との比較で以下のようになるようです。

例文:If I had known it, I would have told you.知ってたら言ったよ。

What's the difference between the present perfect and the past simple?
The difference between the present perfect and the past simple is that we use the present perfect when we are thinking about time before or up to now, whereas we use the past simple when we are thinking about a specific past time.

What's one use of “to be going to”?
One use of “to be going to” is to say what we think will happen because of something we know now.

What's another use of “to be going to”?
Another use of “to be going to” is to speak about our future intentions.

What's the difference between the words “fun“ and “funny”?
The difference between the words “fun“ and “funny“ is that if something is fun, we enjoy it, whereas if something is funny, it makes us laugh.

The word “whether” means the same as “if” and we generally use it when we express a doubt.
What's another use of the word “whether“?
Another use of the word “whether“ is when two possible actions have the same result.

[例文]Whether it rains tomorrow or not, I’ll go for a walk.

How long is the duration of a game of football?
The duration of a game of football is 90 minutes.

What does the word “just“ mean?
The word “just“ can mean “a short time ago” and it can also mean “simply” or “only.”
