
Day 3_Narration

Day 3: Speaking
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1. One day, a university student went job-hunting. He wore a business suit and joined a job fair. There were a lot of students in this venue. A man was explaining about the job. Some students were standing there.
2. A few days later, he was sitting in a cafe with a cup of coffee. He was writing down the dates of the company’s examinations in his planner. A lot of examinations were on the days, and he would not be able to attend most of his classes.
3. A month later, the student’s professor asked one of his classmates why he was absent from class. She said to the professor “He’s busy job-hunting these days.” He looked concerned.
4. Four months later, the professor said to the student “It’ll be difficult for you to graduate.” The student seemed so nervous.


か め🐢
いただいたサポートは,創作活動や心身共に元気が無い時に使わせていただきます。貯金はしません (笑)。私の note が,誰かの励みになれるよう,ゆるく創作活動していきます🐢
