
Day 6_Narration

Day 6: Speaking
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1. One day, a boy was playing video games with his friends.
It was sunny outside. The boy’s mother brought the boys some drinks and cookies. Also, she said to them “Why don’t you play outside?” They stopped playing video games and looked at her.
2. Half an hour later, the boy and his friends went to a park. There was a sign. It said that there were no ball games. They were so disappointed.
3. A little later, they were playing soccer on the road. The driver was angry and said to them “Move out of the way!”
4. The next day, the boy was with his friends in the park. They were sitting on a bench playing video games in the park together. The boy’s mother looked concerned.


か め🐢
いただいたサポートは,創作活動や心身共に元気が無い時に使わせていただきます。貯金はしません (笑)。私の note が,誰かの励みになれるよう,ゆるく創作活動していきます🐢
