
Day 7_Narration

Day 7: Speaking
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1. One day, a man broke his leg and went to a hospital.
The doctor put his leg in a cast. Also, he said to the man, "You can go back to work after a week.” The man was relieved with his leg folded.
2. A week later, the man found a notice about priority seats while waiting for a train at the station. There was the notice explaining that priority seats were available for the elderly, injured people, people with disabilities, people carrying small children, and pregnant women. The man looked happy with the notice.
3. A few minutes later, the man was on the train. An elderly woman said to the man, "Please have my seat.” The man was happy. On the other hand, other three people were sitting in the priority seat.
4. After a while, the man was sitting in the priority seat. The elderly woman had back pain and she was having trouble standing on the train. However, no passengers would give her their seats.


か め🐢
いただいたサポートは,創作活動や心身共に元気が無い時に使わせていただきます。貯金はしません (笑)。私の note が,誰かの励みになれるよう,ゆるく創作活動していきます🐢
