
Day 4_Narration

Day 4: Speaking
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1. One day, a man wearing glasses was going to his company on a crowded rush-hour train. He checked the time with his watch. There were a lot of commuters in this packed train. The man looked concerned about getting to work on time.
2. Later at work, he was explaining about the new teleworking system. There was a notice written about the new teleworking system starting next week. The man was pleased with the notice.
3. One week later, the man was sitting in front of his computer and working from home. There were a cup of coffee and some sandwiches on his desk.
4. One month later, the man was still working from his home. However, his hair got long and he put on weight due to living a lazy life. In addition, his room was messy.


か め🐢
いただいたサポートは,創作活動や心身共に元気が無い時に使わせていただきます。貯金はしません (笑)。私の note が,誰かの励みになれるよう,ゆるく創作活動していきます🐢
