OpenFOAM v2112
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "===== integer operations =====" << endl;
int a = 5, b = 10;
int c = 15;
c = a + b;
cout << "a = " << a << endl;
cout << "b = " << b << endl;
cout << "a + b = " << c << endl;
cout << "===== double precisions operations =====" << endl;
double a_d = 12.5;
double b_d = sqrt(a_d);
double c_d;
c_d = pow(a_d,2) + pow(b_d,3);
cout << "a_d = " << a_d << endl;
cout << "b_d = " << b_d << endl;
cout << "a_d^2 + b_d^3 = " << c_d << endl;
g++ main.cpp
===== integer operations =====
a = 5
b = 5
a + b = 15
===== double precisions operations =====
a_d = 5
b_d = 5
a_d^2 + b_d^3 = 200.444
EXE = $(FOAM_USER_APPBIN)/basic001
├── Make
│ ├── files
│ └── options
├── a.out
└── mainOF.C
#include "Field.H"
using namespace Foam;
int main()
Info << "===== integer operations =====" << endl;
label a = 5, b = 10;
label c = 15;
c = a + b;
Info << "a = " << a << endl;
Info << "b = " << b << endl;
Info << "a + b = " << c << endl;
Info << "===== double precisions operations =====" << endl;
scalar a_d = 12.5;
scalar b_d = Foam::sqrt(a_d);
scalar c_d;
c_d = pow(a_d,2) + pow(b_d,3);
Info << "a_d = " << a_d << endl;
Info << "b_d = " << b_d << endl;
Info << "a_d^2 + b_d^3 = " << c_d << endl;
return 0;
int ➡ label
double ➡ scalar
cout ➡ Info
label a;
label a(10);
label a = 10;
scalar b;
scalar b(1.5);
scalar b = 1.5;
vector v1(1, 2, 3);
tensor t1(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
word text = "OpenFOAM"; //文字列を定義
List<vector> a(10); // 配列を定義
a[0] = vector(1, 2, 3);
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "===== integer operations =====" << endl;
int a = 5, b = 10;
int c = 15;
c = a + b;
cout << "a = " << a << endl;
cout << "b = " << b << endl;
cout << "a + b = " << c << endl;
cout << "===== double precisions operations =====" << endl;
double a_d = 12.5;
double b_d = sqrt(a_d);
double c_d;
c_d = pow(a_d,2) + pow(b_d,3);
cout << "a_d = " << a_d << endl;
cout << "b_d = " << b_d << endl;
cout << "a_d^2 + b_d^3 = " << c_d << endl;
cout << "===== vector (array) operatios =====" << endl;
double v1[3] = {1, 2, 3};
cout << "total v1 size is " << sizeof(v1) << endl;
cout << "double size is " << sizeof(double) << endl;
cout << "v1 element size is " << sizeof(v1)/sizeof(double) << endl;
double v2[3];
v2[0] = 10;
v2[1] = 20;
v2[2] = 30;
double v_pro;
for (int i=0; i< sizeof(v1)/sizeof(double); i++)
cout << "v1[" << i << "] = " << v1[i] << endl;
cout << endl;
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(v2)/sizeof(double); i++)
cout << "v2[" << i << "] = " << v2[i] << endl;
cout << endl;
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(v2)/sizeof(double); i++)
cout << "v1[" << i << "] * " << "v2[" << i << "] = "
<< v1[i] * v2[i] << endl;
v_pro += v1[i] * v2[i];
cout << "v1 * v2 = " << v_pro << endl;
return 0;
===== integer operations =====
a = 5
b = 10
a + b = 15
===== double precisions operations =====
a_d = 12.5
b_d = 3.53553
a_d^2 + b_d^3 = 200.444
===== vector (array) operatios =====
total v1 size is 24
double size is 8
v1 element size is 3
v1[0] = 1
v1[1] = 2
v1[2] = 3
v2[0] = 10
v2[1] = 20
v2[2] = 30
v1[0] * v2[0] = 10
v1[1] * v2[1] = 40
v1[2] * v2[2] = 90
v1 * v2 = 140
#include "fvCFD.H"
using namespace Foam;
int main()
Info << "===== integer operations =====" << endl;
label a = 5, b = 10;
label c = 15;
c = a + b;
Info << "a = " << a << endl;
Info << "b = " << b << endl;
Info << "a + b = " << c << endl;
Info << "===== double precisions operations =====" << endl;
scalar a_d = 12.5;
scalar b_d = Foam::sqrt(a_d);
scalar c_d;
c_d = pow(a_d,2) + pow(b_d,3);
Info << "a_d = " << a_d << endl;
Info << "b_d = " << b_d << endl;
Info << "a_d^2 + b_d^3 = " << c_d << endl;
Info << "===== vector (array) operatios =====" << endl;
vector v1(1, 2, 3);
vector v2(10, 20, 30);
scalar v_pro;
forAll(v1, i)
Info << "v1[" << i << "] = " << v1[i] << endl;
Info << endl;
forAll(v2, i)
Info << "v2[" << i << "] = " << v2[i] << endl;
Info << endl;
v_pro = v1 & v2;
Info << "v1 * v2 = " << v_pro << endl;
return 0;
EXE = $(FOAM_USER_APPBIN)/basic004
-I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \
-lfiniteVolume \
===== integer operations =====
a = 5
b = 10
a + b = 15
===== double precisions operations =====
a_d = 12.5
b_d = 3.53553
a_d^2 + b_d^3 = 200.444
===== vector (array) operatios =====
v0[0] = 1
v0[1] = 2
v0[2] = 3
v0[3] = 4
v1[0] = 1
v1[1] = 2
v1[2] = 3
v2[0] = 10
v2[1] = 20
v2[2] = 30
v1 * v2 = 140
#include "Field.H"
using namespace Foam;
int main()
Info << "===== integer operations =====" << endl;
label a = 5, b = 10;
label c = 15;
c = a + b;
Info << "a = " << a << endl;
Info << "b = " << b << endl;
Info << "a + b = " << c << endl;
Info << "===== double precisions operations =====" << endl;
scalar a_d = 12.5;
scalar b_d = Foam::sqrt(a_d);
scalar c_d;
c_d = pow(a_d,2) + pow(b_d,3);
Info << "a_d = " << a_d << endl;
Info << "b_d = " << b_d << endl;
Info << "a_d^2 + b_d^3 = " << c_d << endl;
Info << "===== vector (array) operatios =====" << endl;
vector v1(1, 2, 3);
vector v2(10, 20, 30);
forAll(v1, i)
Info << "v1[" << i << "] = " << v1[i] << endl;
Info << endl;
forAll(v2, i)
Info << "v2[" << i << "] = " << v2[i] << endl;
Info << endl;
scalar v_pro;
v_pro = v1 & v2;
Info << "scalar v_pro = " << v_pro << endl;
Info << "v1 * v2 = " << v1 * v2 << endl;
Info << "===== Fields operatios =====" << endl;
Field<label> fvector(3,0);
forAll(fvector, i)
Info << "fvector[" << i << "] = " << fvector[i] << endl;
Info << "===== tensor operatios =====" << endl;
tensor t1(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9);
tensor t2(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 , 80, 90);
tensor t3(tensor::zero);
Info << "tensor t3 = " << t1 << endl;
Info << "Transpose t2 = " << t2.T() << endl;
tensor t4;
t4 = t1 & t2;
Info << "t1 & t2 = " << t4 << endl;
return 0;
===== integer operations =====
a = 5
b = 10
a + b = 15
===== double precisions operations =====
a_d = 12.5
b_d = 3.53553
a_d^2 + b_d^3 = 200.444
===== vector (array) operatios =====
v1[0] = 1
v1[1] = 2
v1[2] = 3
v2[0] = 10
v2[1] = 20
v2[2] = 30
scalar v_pro = 140
v1 * v2 = (10 20 30 20 40 60 30 60 90)
===== Fields operatios =====
fvector[0] = 0
fvector[1] = 0
fvector[2] = 0
===== tensor operatios =====
tensor t3 = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Transpose t2 = (10 40 70 20 50 80 30 60 90)
t1 & t2 = (300 360 420 660 810 960 1020 1260 1500)
#include "Field.H"
using namespace Foam;
int main()
Info << "===== integer operations =====" << endl;
label a = 5, b = 10;
label c = 15;
c = a + b;
Info << "a = " << a << endl;
Info << "b = " << b << endl;
Info << "a + b = " << c << endl;
Info << "===== double precisions operations =====" << endl;
scalar a_d = 12.5;
scalar b_d = Foam::sqrt(a_d);
scalar c_d;
c_d = pow(a_d,2) + pow(b_d,3);
Info << "a_d = " << a_d << endl;
Info << "b_d = " << b_d << endl;
Info << "a_d^2 + b_d^3 = " << c_d << endl;
Info << "===== vector (array) operatios =====" << endl;
vector v1(1, 2, 3);
vector v2(10, 20, 30);
forAll(v1, i)
Info << "v1[" << i << "] = " << v1[i] << endl;
Info << endl;
forAll(v2, i)
Info << "v2[" << i << "] = " << v2[i] << endl;
Info << endl;
scalar v_pro;
v_pro = v1 & v2;
Info << "scalar v_pro = " << v_pro << endl;
Info << "v1 * v2 = " << v1 * v2 << endl;
Info << "===== Fields operatios =====" << endl;
Field<label> fvector(3,0);
forAll(fvector, i)
Info << "fvector[" << i << "] = " << fvector[i] << endl;
Info << "===== tensor operatios =====" << endl;
tensor t1(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9);
tensor t2(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 , 80, 90);
tensor t3(tensor::zero);
Info << "tensor t3 = " << t1 << endl;
Info << "Transpose t2 = " << t2.T() << endl;
Info << "t2 xz = " << t2.xz() << endl;
// tensor.H
// https://www.openfoam.com/documentation/guides/latest/api/tensor_8H_source.html
Info << "t2 engin value = " << eigenValues(t2) << endl;
Info << "t2 engin vectors = " << eigenVectors(t2) << endl;
tensor t4;
t4 = t1 & t2;
Info << "t1 & t2 = " << t4 << endl;
return 0;
===== integer operations =====
a = 5
b = 10
a + b = 15
===== double precisions operations =====
a_d = 12.5
b_d = 3.53553
a_d^2 + b_d^3 = 200.444
===== vector (array) operatios =====
v1[0] = 1
v1[1] = 2
v1[2] = 3
v2[0] = 10
v2[1] = 20
v2[2] = 30
scalar v_pro = 140
v1 * v2 = (10 20 30 20 40 60 30 60 90)
===== Fields operatios =====
fvector[0] = 0
fvector[1] = 0
fvector[2] = 0
===== tensor operatios =====
tensor t3 = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Transpose t2 = (10 40 70 20 50 80 30 60 90)
t2 xz = 30
t2 engin value = ((161.168 0) (-11.1684 0) (0 0))
t2 engin vectors = ((0.231971 0) (0.525322 0) (0.818673 0) (0.78583 0) (0.0867513 0) (-0.612328 0) (-0.408248 -0) (0.816497 0) (-0.408248 -0))
t1 & t2 = (300 360 420 660 810 960 1020 1260 1500)
//#include "fvCFD.H"
//#include "fieldTypes.H"
#include "Field.H"
// #include "tensor.H"
using namespace Foam;
int main()
Info << "===== integer operations =====" << endl;
label a = 5, b = 10;
label c = 15;
c = a + b;
Info << "a = " << a << endl;
Info << "b = " << b << endl;
Info << "a + b = " << c << endl;
Info << "===== double precisions operations =====" << endl;
scalar a_d = 12.5;
scalar b_d = Foam::sqrt(a_d);
scalar c_d;
c_d = pow(a_d,2) + pow(b_d,3);
Info << "a_d = " << a_d << endl;
Info << "b_d = " << b_d << endl;
Info << "a_d^2 + b_d^3 = " << c_d << endl;
Info << "===== vector (array) operatios =====" << endl;
vector v1(1, 2, 3);
vector v2(10, 20, 30);
forAll(v1, i)
Info << "v1[" << i << "] = " << v1[i] << endl;
Info << endl;
forAll(v2, i)
Info << "v2[" << i << "] = " << v2[i] << endl;
Info << endl;
scalar v_pro;
v_pro = v1 & v2;
Info << "scalar v_pro = " << v_pro << endl;
Info << "v1 * v2 = " << v1 * v2 << endl;
Info << "===== Fields operatios =====" << endl;
Field<label> fvector(3,0);
forAll(fvector, i)
Info << "fvector[" << i << "] = " << fvector[i] << endl;
Info << "===== tensor operatios =====" << endl;
tensor t1(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9);
tensor t2(1, 1, -1, -2, -1, 1, -1, -2, 1);
tensor t3(tensor::zero);
Info << "tensor t3 = " << t1 << endl;
Info << "Transpose t2 = " << t2.T() << endl;
Info << "t2 xz = " << t2.xz() << endl;
// tensor.H
// https://www.openfoam.com/documentation/guides/latest/api/tensor_8H_source.html
Vector< complex > e(eigenValues(t2));
Tensor< complex > ev = eigenVectors(t2);
//vector ed(eigenValues(t2)); // error
//tensor edv = eigenVectors(t2); // error
Info << "t2 engin value = " << e << endl;
Info << "t2 engin vectors = " << ev << endl;
//Info << "t2 engin value = " << ed << endl;
//Info << "t2 engin vectors = " << edv << endl;
tensor t4;
t4 = t1 & t2;
Info << "t1 & t2 = " << t4 << endl;
Info << "e.x = " << eigenValues(t2).x() << endl;
Info << "e.y = " << eigenValues(t2).y() << endl;
Info << "e.z = " << eigenValues(t2).z() << endl;
// TentorI.H
Info << "determinant of tensor det(t2) = " << det(t2) << endl;
tensor inv_t2( inv(t2)); // Tensor< Cmpt > inv (const Tensor< Cmpt > &t)
Info << "inverce of tensor t2 = " << inv_t2 << endl;
return 0;
eigenValues(t2)で返ってくる型は3次元ベクトルで要素が複素数である「Vector< complex >」なので、
Vector< complex > e(eigenValues(t2));
Vector< complex > e(eigenValues(t2));
vector e(eigenValues(t2));
vectorはVector<scalar>と定義されているため、scalarを持つベクトルなのというわけです。eigenValues(t2)で返ってくる型は3次元ベクトルで要素が複素数なのでVector< complex >としなければいけないというわけです。
===== integer operations =====
a = 5
b = 10
a + b = 15
===== double precisions operations =====
a_d = 12.5
b_d = 3.53553
a_d^2 + b_d^3 = 200.444
===== vector (array) operatios =====
v1[0] = 1
v1[1] = 2
v1[2] = 3
v2[0] = 10
v2[1] = 20
v2[2] = 30
scalar v_pro = 140
v1 * v2 = (10 20 30 20 40 60 30 60 90)
===== Fields operatios =====
fvector[0] = 0
fvector[1] = 0
fvector[2] = 0
===== tensor operatios =====
tensor t3 = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Transpose t2 = (1 -2 -1 1 -1 -2 -1 1 1)
t2 xz = -1
t2 engin value = ((-0.392647 0) (0.696323 -1.43595) (0.696323 1.43595))
t2 engin vectors = ((0.288278 0) (0.445913 0) (0.847383 0) (-0.42447 0.18794) (0.646488 0) (0.247714 -0.552444) (-0.42447 -0.18794) (0.646488 0) (0.247714 0.552444))
t1 & t2 = (-6 -7 4 -12 -13 7 -18 -19 10)
e.x = (-0.392647 0)
e.y = (0.696323 -1.43595)
e.z = (0.696323 1.43595)
determinant of tensor det(t2) = -1
inverce of tensor t2 = (-1 -1 -0 -1 -0 -1 -3 -1 -1)