







“Policy” for children? ! lie of

During the coronavirus pandemic, the policy was to focus not on "children" but on "elderly people". It was an unhealthy ``children's corner policy'' that inhibited the healthy growth of children, even down to university students. This is because ``the elderly are more susceptible to the disease.'' In the name of saving the lives of the elderly, they destroyed the healthy growth of children. Eating in silence, eating while facing forward, restrictions on conversation (chatting) and play with friends, poverty at home... At first, the child's symptoms were a harmless cold, so they should have been left alone. (Nowadays, flu symptoms are common.) The situation is even more dire for university students, who have come to Tokyo from rural areas to attend university and are struggling with their ``campus life,'' ``club activities,'' ``part-time jobs,'' ``the activities of youth typical of university students.'' Love, encounters, everything was taken away from me. This is also because ``it would be difficult to infect the elderly.'' However, if you look at the numbers (refer to figures from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Hiroshima Prefectural Medical Team), people in the same age group as their original life expectancy are disappearing. In fact, the number of elderly people dying due to forced prolongation of their lives has temporarily decreased. (The rebound increases later on...naturally, but life expectancy is fair.) Three years for an impressionable child is comparable to 10 or 20 years for an elderly person, or even an adult. For children who were adolescents and those who spent their university years fully remote, what kind of impact will there be on their character and personality development when they become adults? Everything is the responsibility of adults. So-called "experts", "TV media have the same attitude of disseminating recent weekly magazine reports", "politicians, Tokyo Governor Koike and the prefectural governors who followed her"...they all sum up the fact that the declining birthrate has progressed. Did he reflect? (The decline in the birthrate is clearly visible in the numbers. It goes without saying, but don't meet up, don't have long-distance relationships, don't go out drinking, don't have close contact, keep your distance... you can't even meet people, let alone have children.) (I'm not saying this now, but I've been saying this with a nurse acquaintance since the beginning.) At the beginning, I didn't know what kind of illness it was. (There were a certain number of people who died of pneumonia after getting sick) It was more than just influenza.There were experts who said so.Then why do you think so?Actually, the inn I knew had been hosting guests from Wuhan until the day before ( (I didn't even know the name of the place Wuhan yet), but no one got infected with the coronavirus, and even after it started appearing on the news later, no one got out of there. (This means that in countries where there is no concept of "stiff shoulders" In addition, if hospitals were to deal with the same level of influenza as in previous years (there would be no outpatient clinic for fevers!), they would not have to waste a huge amount of taxpayers' money, but instead would do half-hearted "interviews" with public health center and public office staff. I didn't have to exhaust myself with labor that was clogging me up (well, I had to pay a lot of overtime).In fact, waiting made things worse, people were sent around just because they tested positive, and pregnant women weren't able to give birth normally. Can politicians, experts, and the media take responsibility for people who "died" because it's too late (because of useless regulations when they shouldn't have died)?Aren't they worth dying for?Summary too. If not, there would be no remorse. They would only disagree with one side's opinion and not maintain fairness. It was really a policy and doctrine that was centered around some doctors, and was a political inducement that did not care about the lives of children. Mr. Hagiuda closed the school. I appreciate that they reopened the school. (The impact of Mr. Abe's decision to close all schools was too strong.)

Don't cross prefectures, don't go drinking, don't talk, don't have close contact, keep distance! Isn't this a movement to promote a declining birthrate? In fact, the declining birthrate has progressed by several years all at once. On the other hand, I am disappointed in the ``Children and Families Agency'' and ``different-level countermeasures against the declining birthrate.'' I wonder if it's because of the corporate culture that the place of responsibility is ambiguous...

As the birthrate continues to decline, the time has come to consider creating a society that can survive even with a declining population. In order to win the competition among local governments, it is necessary to take action sooner than other local governments.

*Measles, chicken pox, and mumps were all three diseases that children were bound to contract if they attended kindergarten. Rather, the trend was that ``it would be difficult for adults to contract the disease, so we should prevent it from occurring in children.'' No expert has mentioned a single case of such a situation during the coronavirus pandemic, and they say that various diseases are becoming more prevalent after the coronavirus outbreak. It's kind of like that already.

*Population decline: The inflow and outflow go up and down every year, but the numbers are not large. The number of children being born has decreased due to the coronavirus, but the numbers are still visible. The biggest figure in population decline is "natural decline." Even if the number of deaths increases by about 20, 200 people will die, which will continue until the baby boomer generation leaves. Unless tourism promotion, regional revitalization, and regional revitalization are considered based on this premise, the premise becomes questionable. On the other hand, local governments and consultants who do not say so are suspicious. It's one of those ridiculous things where the government acts as the organizer of a group party and calls it a ``town party''. Isn't it done in your town?


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