
#17 当たり前の価値-4




October 11, 2003 (Saturday)
 I didn't feel very good today. I studied for only 6 hours. I'm working on “Chemistry” now. Chemistry is a subject from the second grade, so I start the same as everyone else who is taking classes at school. However, I hear that the speed of the classes is incredibly fast, so I have to keep up with them. That's why I'm so desperate. I don't have a teacher, so I have to learn everything on my own. But because I'm doing it all on my own, I'm incredibly happy when I'm able to solve a difficult problem on my own. I am sure that if I keep working steadily and diligently, I will be able to get results.
 Today, there was a fireworks display, an event held at the hospital. The fireworks display from the window of the hospital room was so beautiful that it reminded me of the fact that health comes first. By the way, fireworks are based on the flame color reaction of chemistry, and the red fireworks that are often seen are made of lithium. So what, but it's fun to know a little bit about these things and to be able to look at them in different ways. Such was my day.

October 12, 2003 (Sun)
 I had my blood drawn today. The white blood cell count was significantly elevated. The last time it was 700, but this time it was 4200. Moreover, 2900 of the 4200 were neutrophils. However, the isolator has not been removed yet. So, I am still in the house. But I am sure that I am getting closer to being discharged from the hospital.
 By the way, I have ingrown toenails on both feet, and when my white blood cell count was low, I stubbed my toe somewhere and the outer part of the nail swelled up and became infected. If this happens at the time of implantation, it could cause infection, so I have to take care of it now. So, I'm going to see the surgeon next Tuesday for a checkup. I heard that they inject anesthesia into the outside of the nail and remove half of the nail with scissors from the center of the nail. I shudder just thinking about it. By the way, my father has had this experience. I respect my father.

October 13, 2003 (Monday)
 I slept soundly this morning and did not study at all. I was going to do it in the afternoon when a buddy of mine from the baseball team came to visit me, and we talked for about 40 minutes. It was a very happy time for me, even if it was just a casual conversation. After that, my relatives came to visit me, and after that, another baseball team member came to visit me. Talking with people from all walks of life is invigorating. In particular, I feel especially energized by my friends from the baseball team. Sometimes I envy the fact that I am able to play baseball, but they are the best friends I have ever had. Because I feel that way, I feel even more frustrated. I can't wait to get back to work and make up for lost time.
 Now, about the fingernails, I talked to many people after that. The only information I could get was that it hurts a lot. This is not at all pleasant information. Knowing that it hurts and having to undergo the procedure makes me quite defensive. However, I will take even this situation as a positive thing. Yes, this experience is only available to people with ingrown toenails. It's what I call limited. They must be envious. The word “limited” is a word that people in this world love to hear. I am special to have such a limited experience. I'm a special curly-clawed human being. Come on, take a shot at me.


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