#3 表情の豊さ
とアドバイスをもらっていたと思いますが,本当にその通りで,無表情が相手に与える負の影響というのも研究で報告されているんです(辛島光彦:オンライ面接時の被面接者の顔表情が面接者の印象に与える影響に関する研究.人間中心設計.2022; 18(2): 1-7.:chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hcd/18/2/18_1/_pdf/-char/ja)
When you arrive at work or greet someone for the first time that day, do you "smile"?
Most people prefer a smile to a blank expression.
In fact, in a study I conducted, I examined the characteristics of students who fail in clinical practice.
The results showed that "expressiveness" had an influence, regardless of grades and civility.
I'm sure you've all heard the advice "Smile!
I'm sure you've all been advised to "smile!" during interviews, but it's really true, and studies have reported the negative effects of expressionless faces on others (KARUSHIMA, M.: A study on the effects of interviewees' facial expressions during online interviews on their impression of the interviewee.Human-Centered Design. 2022; 18(2): 1-7.: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hcd/18/2/18_1/_pdf/-char/en)
When they want to laugh, they laugh ... when they are in pain, they look in pain ...
When I want to cry, I cry.
When you want to cry, you cry ... .
Isn't that all right?
I believe that the importance of the richness of facial expressions revealed in my research represents the importance of "non-cognitive abilities," which are currently the focus of attention among elementary and junior high school students and recent graduates.
These are not "cognitive abilities" that can be measured by academic achievement, but all other abilities.
These abilities are characterized by the inclusion of moral factors such as empathy and social skills.
The higher this ability is, the more qualified a person is to be a medical professional, and the more exceptional his/her leadership is in an organization.
If you read this article and are involved in physical therapy, or if you work or study at a company, why don't you start paying attention to your own facial expressions tomorrow?