

In honor of the anniversary of the founding of Rome, we present this reading comprehension exercise:
April 21 marks the anniversary of the founding of Rome. According to legend, the city was founded by the twins Romulus and Remus in 753 BC. The brothers were abandoned at birth and left to die in the Tiber River. However, they were rescued and raised by a she-wolf.
As adults, Romulus and Remus decided to build a city on the site where they were saved. However, they disagreed over the city's name and who should rule it. Romulus killed Remus in a fit of rage and became the first king of Rome.
Over time, Rome grew into a powerful city-state and eventually an empire. Its influence and culture spread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, leaving a lasting legacy on Western civilization.
Today, Rome is a vibrant and bustling city that attracts millions of tourists each year. Its ancient ruins, stunning architecture, and rich history continue to fascinate visitors from around the world.

  1. When was Rome founded according to legend?

  2. Who were the founders of Rome?

  3. How were Romulus and Remus saved from death as infants?

  4. Why did Romulus kill Remus?

  5. What was the legacy of Rome on Western civilization?

  6. What attracts millions of tourists to Rome today?

  7. Name one thing that fascinates visitors about Rome.


  1. According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC.

  2. Rome was founded by the twins Romulus and Remus.

  3. Romulus and Remus were saved from death as infants when they were rescued and raised by a she-wolf.

  4. Romulus killed Remus in a fit of rage because they disagreed over the city's name and who should rule it.

  5. Rome's legacy on Western civilization includes its influence and culture spreading throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, as well as its lasting impact on art, literature, philosophy, law, and government.

  6. Rome attracts millions of tourists each year due to its ancient ruins, stunning architecture, rich history, and cultural attractions such as museums, art galleries, and festivals.

  7. One thing that fascinates visitors about Rome is its ancient Roman monuments and landmarks, such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the Roman Forum.

answers の日本語訳を掲載します

  1. 伝説によれば、ローマは紀元前753年に創建されました。

  2. ローマは双子のロムルスとレムスによって創建されました。

  3. ロムルスとレムスは、生後すぐに川に捨てられ、死を免れるために雌狼に育てられました。

  4. ロムルスは、都市の名前や支配者について意見が合わず、怒りのあまりレムスを殺してしまいました。

  5. ローマは、芸術、文学、哲学、法律、政府に与えた影響と文化の拡大がヨーロッパや地中海地域に及び、西洋文明に残る重要な遺産となりました。

  6. ローマは、古代遺跡、素晴らしい建築物、豊富な歴史、美術館、画廊、フェスティバルなどの文化的な魅力から、年間数百万人の観光客を惹きつけています。

  7. ローマを訪れる観光客を魅了するものの一つに、コロッセウム、パンテオン、ローマのフォーラムなどの古代ローマの記念碑やランドマークがあります。




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