

   Is Francis I the common denominator of the two painters?

I also looked up Andrea del Sarto on Wikipedia.


本名はアンドレア・ダニョーロ・ディ・フランチェスコ(Andrea d'Agnolo di Francesco)。イタリアのゴシック期、ルネサンス期の画家には、もっぱら通称で呼ばれる者が多いが、彼もその1人で、「アンドレア・デル・サルト」は「仕立て屋のアンドレア」の意である。ミケランジェロやラファエロらがローマで華々しく活躍していたのと同じ頃、フィレンツェの美術の伝統を守っていた画家である。1486年、フィレンツェに生まれ、徒弟時代はフィレンツェ派の巨匠の一人であるピエロ・ディ・コジモに師事する。1518年から翌年にかけてフランス王フランソワ1世に招かれ、フォンテーヌブローへ赴いた。代表作である『アルピエ(ハルピュイア)の聖母』には、安定した三角形構図(中央の聖母の頭部と、両脇の聖人の頭部を結んだ線が三角形をなす)、甘美な色彩、レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの影響が見られるスフマート(もやのかかったように表す描法/霧状効果)技法などの、アンドレアの画風の特色が見られる。アンドレアの弟子からはポントルモ、ロッソ・フィオレンティーノなど、次世代のマニエリスム絵画を担う画家が出ている。

From Wikipedia

His real name is Andrea d'Agnolo di Francesco. Many Italian Gothic and Renaissance painters are known exclusively, and he is one of them, and "Andrea del Sarto" means "Tailor Andrea". He was a painter who kept the tradition of Florentine art at the same time that Michelangelo and Raphael were brilliantly active in Rome. Born in Florence in 1486, he studied under Piero di Cosimo, one of the Florentine masters, during his apprenticeship. From 1518 to the following year, he was invited by King Francis I of France to go to Fontainebleau. His masterpiece, Our Lady of Alpie (Harpies), has a stable triangular composition (the line connecting the head of the Virgin in the center and the heads of the saints on both sides forms a triangle), sweet colors, and Leonardo da Vinci. You can see the characteristics of Andrea's style, such as the Sfumato technique, which is influenced by Da Vinci. Andrea's disciples include painters such as Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino, who will be responsible for the next generation of Mannerist painting.


Wikipedia has only this level of description. Is this painter unpopular today? It's a very simple description. If Mona Lisa had the word Andrea's "Sarto" hidden in it, she would be a corresponding painter. Even more so, if that Leonardo da Vinci wrote the name, that wouldn't be the case. It seems that we need to investigate a little more.
The first important thing in this Wikipedia's dozens of lines is
・ He seems to be learning Leonardo's technique. I'm sure you can imagine that you learned by watching the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. Looking at his paintings, I don't really feel the influence of Leonardo's Sfumato technique, but it seems to be the case in the world.
・ From 1518 to the following year, he was invited by King Francis I of France to go to Fontainebleau.
There are two facts.
