positive thinking!

 I have attended an English communication program "empowerment program". I talked with a lot of foreign teachers such as Portuguese, Sudanese, Haitian. They are very kind and gave me advice to study English. It is interesting that many of them began English studying about 16. They began studying later than us! One teacher told me that she practiced speaking English by putting herself into the situation she had to speak English. She worked as an interpreter at a hospital in her country. I think it is very stoic but effective. I have been talking in Enlish for 5 days and I got used to speaking and listeing English. In order not to forget the sense of speaking in English, of course, I will continue watching English channel on Youtube but I will think something in English. Maybe next my series of my writings are written in English. Anyway I have made my mind. 
 For both listeners and speakers, it makes more difficult for communication with other to know only easy English words. Why we remember English words is that we want to tell what I want to say more clearly. You should learn at least remember all words which are on Yumetan0,1,2 and Yumejuku. 
 I have written how I improve my English skills so I am going to write about my program. The purpose of this program is to know how we think logically and critically and to find how we collaborate with others. We had a negociation that what you do to the flooding in poor country caused by cutting down trees. Trees are bought by companies and rich country. I think this happening is caused in a lot of courntris. We discussed this problem by considering from a variety of positions, poor country's government, poor country's citizens, rich countries' governments, timber company, UNEP, research center in Japan. It is difficult to concentrate on what really we need while our talking. We hit on many solutions, but usually they have been lacked in something. It costs too much, it is not safe enough for citizen, it takes a lot of time to complete, it will destroy the environment, we do not want to launch it, give more monry to our organization, we cannot get trust from citizens. Finally we could make one solution that is good in the long run but not good right now. Also we thought much about money. Floods deprive a lot people of life. This is the most importaint aspect to consider our plan. The idea that everyone will convince is not found easily, but the most important thing is not to give up and work hard. Try again and again, and check again and again. We cannot be improved by this way. You may be tired and negative because everything is not carryed out anytime so you should always try to think in positive ways.
 Critically thinking is to think from a problem by thinking this is true or not and finding an alternative solution. Logically thinking is to think the cause of the problem. You are not said to solve a problem without finding and resolving the basic problem. These two ways of thinking are useful when you want a solution. 

Maybe I will add some stories. Please wait. My PC bottey is about to be dead. (T_T)

Finally please give me some comments if I had mistakes or difficulties of understanding. 
Thank you for reading! Nice studying English!
