

こんにちは!🎉 今日は、採用面接でCXOに逆質問する際によく使われる英語フレーズを楽しく学んでいきます!

Chapter1: Company Vision

1. Understanding the Vision

Can you share the company's long-term vision?
(Can you share) the company's long-term vision?
Point: 会社の未来像を知りたい時に使えるよ!🔮

How do you see the company evolving in the next five years?
(How do you) see the company evolving in the next five years?
Point: 会社の成長計画を理解するのに最適!📈

What is the key driver behind the company's mission?
(What is) the key driver behind the company's mission?
Point: ミッションの根本を探る質問に!🔍

Could you explain how the vision influences daily operations?
(Could you explain) how the vision influences daily operations?
Point: ビジョンと実務の関連性を知る時に便利!🛠️

In what ways does the company encourage alignment with its vision?
(In what ways) does the company encourage alignment with its vision?
Point: ビジョンとの整合性を確認したい時に!🤝

2. Strategic Goals

What are the top strategic goals for this year?
(What are) the top strategic goals for this year?
Point: 現在の重点事項を把握するために!🎯

How does the company measure success towards its goals?
(How does) the company measure success towards its goals?
Point: 成功の評価基準を理解する質問に!📊

Can you describe any upcoming projects that align with strategic goals?
(Can you describe) any upcoming projects that align with strategic goals?
Point: 具体的なプロジェクトについて知りたい時に!📅

What challenges does the company anticipate in achieving its goals?
(What challenges) does the company anticipate in achieving its goals?
Point: 予想される課題を理解するために!⚠️

How are employees encouraged to contribute to strategic goals?
(How are) employees encouraged to contribute to strategic goals?
Point: 従業員の役割を知る質問に!🙌

3. Innovation and Growth

What role does innovation play in the company's strategy?
(What role) does innovation play in the company's strategy?
Point: イノベーションの重要性を探る時に!💡

How does the company foster a culture of innovation?
(How does) the company foster a culture of innovation?
Point: イノベーションの環境について知りたい時に!🌱

Can you share examples of recent innovations within the company?
(Can you share) examples of recent innovations within the company?
Point: 実際の事例を知る質問に!📚

What opportunities are there for employees to lead innovative projects?
(What opportunities) are there for employees to lead innovative projects?
Point: 自主性を発揮する場を探る時に!🚀

How is growth in innovation measured and rewarded?
(How is) growth in innovation measured and rewarded?
Point: 成果の評価方法を理解するために!🏆

Chapter2: Leadership and Management

1. Leadership Style

Can you describe your leadership style?
(Can you describe) your leadership style?
Point: リーダーのスタイルを理解する時に!👔

How do you motivate your team?
(How do you) motivate your team?
Point: モチベーションの維持方法を知りたい時に!🔥

What values guide your decision-making process?
(What values) guide your decision-making process?
Point: リーダーの価値観を探る質問に!❤️

How do you handle conflict within the team?
(How do you) handle conflict within the team?
Point: コンフリクト解決の方法を理解するために!⚖️

What is your approach to professional development?
(What is) your approach to professional development?
Point: 成長支援の姿勢を知る時に!📈

2. Team Collaboration

How does the leadership encourage collaboration?
(How does) the leadership encourage collaboration?
Point: チームワークの促進方法を知りたい時に!🤝

Can you explain the decision-making process within teams?
(Can you explain) the decision-making process within teams?
Point: プロセスの透明性を確認する質問に!🔍

What tools are used to facilitate team communication?
(What tools) are used to facilitate team communication?
Point: 効率的なコミュニケーション方法を知る時に!🛠️

How are team goals set and tracked?
(How are) team goals set and tracked?
Point: 目標管理の方法を理解するために!🎯

What is the approach to remote team collaboration?
(What is) the approach to remote team collaboration?
Point: リモートワークの協力方法を知りたい時に!🌐

3. Performance Management

How is employee performance evaluated?
(How is) employee performance evaluated?
Point: 評価基準を理解する質問に!📊

What criteria are used for promotions?
(What criteria) are used for promotions?
Point: 昇進の条件を知りたい時に!🏅

How do you support underperforming employees?
(How do you) support underperforming employees?
Point: サポート体制を理解するために!🤗

What opportunities exist for continuous feedback?
(What opportunities) exist for continuous feedback?
Point: フィードバックの頻度や方法を知る時に!🔄

How are achievements recognized and rewarded?
(How are) achievements recognized and rewarded?
Point: モチベーションアップの仕組みを理解するために!🎉

Chapter3: Company Culture

1. Core Values

What are the core values of the company?
(What are) the core values of the company?
Point: 会社の基本理念を知る時に!🏛️

How are these values integrated into daily work?
(How are) these values integrated into daily work?
Point: 価値観の実践方法を理解するために!🔗

Can you provide examples of these values in action?
(Can you provide) examples of these values in action?
Point: 実際の事例を知りたい時に!📖

How does the company uphold its values during challenges?
(How does) the company uphold its values during challenges?
Point: 忍耐力や一貫性を確認する質問に!💪

In what ways can employees embody these values?
(In what ways) can employees embody these values?
Point: 具体的な行動例を知りたい時に!👣

2. Work-Life Balance

What is the company's approach to work-life balance?
(What is) the company's approach to work-life balance?
Point: バランスの取り方を理解する時に!⚖️

Are there flexible working hours available?
(Are there) flexible working hours available?
Point: 柔軟な働き方について知りたい時に!🕰️

How does the company support employee well-being?
(How does) the company support employee well-being?
Point: 健康支援の取り組みを確認する質問に!💖

What initiatives are in place for mental health?
(What initiatives) are in place for mental health?
Point: メンタルサポートの具体例を知る時に!🧠

Can you describe the company's policy on remote work?
(Can you describe) the company's policy on remote work?
Point: リモートワークの詳細を理解するために!🏡

3. Diversity and Inclusion

How does the company promote diversity in the workplace?
(How does) the company promote diversity in the workplace?
Point: 多様性推進の取り組みを知りたい時に!🌍

What programs are available to support inclusion?
(What programs) are available to support inclusion?
Point: 支援プログラムの具体例を確認する質問に!🤲

Can you share how the company addresses unconscious bias?
(Can you share) how the company addresses unconscious bias?
Point: バイアス対策の方法を理解するために!🔍

What is the demographic makeup of the team?
(What is) the demographic makeup of the team?
Point: チームの多様性を把握する質問に!👥

How are diverse perspectives valued in decision-making?
(How are) diverse perspectives valued in decision-making?
Point: 多様な意見の重要性を確認する時に!🗣️

Chapter4: Career Development

1. Growth Opportunities

What opportunities are there for career advancement?
(What opportunities) are there for career advancement?
Point: キャリアパスを知りたい時に!📈

How does the company support continuous learning?
(How does) the company support continuous learning?
Point: 学習支援の具体的な方法を理解するために!📚

Are there mentorship programs available?
(Are there) mentorship programs available?
Point: メンター制度の有無を確認する質問に!🤝

What training resources does the company provide?
(What training) resources does the company provide?
Point: 提供されるトレーニングの内容を知る時に!🎓

Can employees attend conferences or workshops?
(Can employees) attend conferences or workshops?
Point: 外部学習の機会を確認する質問に!🛠️

2. Performance Feedback

How often is performance feedback given?
(How often) is performance feedback given?
Point: フィードバックの頻度を理解する時に!📅

What is the process for performance reviews?
(What is) the process for performance reviews?
Point: 評価手順を詳しく知りたい時に!📝

How are goals set and tracked for employees?
(How are) goals set and tracked for employees?
Point: 目標管理の具体的な方法を理解するために!🎯

Can you describe the feedback culture in the company?
(Can you describe) the feedback culture in the company?
Point: フィードバックの受け方や提供方法を知る時に!💬

What support is available for improving performance?
(What support) is available for improving performance?
Point: サポート体制を確認する質問に!🛠️

3. Career Pathways

What typical career paths exist within the company?
(What typical career paths) exist within the company?
Point: キャリアの進展方向を知りたい時に!🛤️

How does the company identify and nurture talent?
(How does) the company identify and nurture talent?
Point: 人材育成の方法を理解するために!🌱

Are there opportunities for cross-departmental moves?
(Are there) opportunities for cross-departmental moves?
Point: 部署を超えたキャリアの可能性を確認する質問に!🔄

What is the company's approach to internal promotions?
(What is) the company's approach to internal promotions?
Point: 昇進プロセスの内部視点を知る時に!🏆

Can you explain how employees can shape their career paths?
(Can you explain) how employees can shape their career paths?
Point: キャリア設計の自由度を確認する質問に!🗺️

Chapter5: Future Plans and Sustainability

1. Expansion Plans

What are the company's plans for expansion?
(What are) the company's plans for expansion?
Point: 会社の成長戦略を知りたい時に!🌍

Are there new markets the company is targeting?
(Are there) new markets the company is targeting?
Point: 新規市場の動向を確認する質問に!🗺️

How does the company plan to enter these markets?
(How does) the company plan to enter these markets?
Point: 市場参入戦略を理解するために!🚀

What challenges are anticipated with expansion?
(What challenges) are anticipated with expansion?
Point: 拡大に伴うリスクを把握する質問に!⚠️

How will expansion impact the current team?
(How will) expansion impact the current team?
Point: チームへの具体的な影響を知る時に!👥

2. Sustainability Initiatives

What sustainability initiatives is the company undertaking?
(What sustainability) initiatives is the company undertaking?
Point: 環境への取り組みを知りたい時に!🌱

How does the company reduce its environmental footprint?
(How does) the company reduce its environmental footprint?
Point: 環境保護の具体策を理解するために!🌍

Can you explain any green policies in place?
(Can you explain) any green policies in place?
Point: 具体的な環境政策を知る時に!🍃

What goals does the company have for sustainability?
(What goals) does the company have for sustainability?
Point: 目標設定の内容を確認する質問に!🎯

How are employees involved in sustainability efforts?
(How are) employees involved in sustainability efforts?
Point: 従業員の役割を知りたい時に!🙌

3. Technological Advancements

What technological advancements is the company focusing on?
(What technological) advancements is the company focusing on?
Point: 最新技術の取り組みを知りたい時に!🔧

How does technology drive the company's growth?
(How does) technology drive the company's growth?
Point: 技術と成長の関連性を理解するために!⚙️

Can you share any upcoming tech projects?
(Can you share) any upcoming tech projects?
Point: 具体的なプロジェクト情報を知る時に!🖥️

What role does innovation play in product development?
(What role) does innovation play in product development?
Point: イノベーションの具体的な影響を確認する質問に!💡

How is the company staying ahead with technology trends?
(How is) the company staying ahead with technology trends?
Point: トレンド対応の戦略を知りたい時に!🚀


