
Statement by the Japan Association of Hospital Doctors

We, the Japan Association Hospital Doctors, hereby release a statement strongly calling for the "immediate cancellation of the current mRNA vaccination" and the "correction of infectious disease control measures that violate human rights." If you agree, please sign a petition using your Twitter username from the linked note.



We, the Japan Association of Hospital Doctors, aim to create a society in which all people can live healthy lives, both physically and mentally, and provide "appropriate medical care to those who are ill" and "balanced information based on actual clinical practice." We pledge to face the reality of the situation by examining scientific data about the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and we strongly call for an immediate halt to messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccination and a correction of current infectious disease control measures that seriously violate human rights.

The reasons for this are as follows. 

1. Decreased efficacy of mRNA vaccines and the possibility that they may become counterproductive in the future

Against COVID-19, the current mRNA vaccine has a rapidly declining efficacy rate, and the subsequent three doses of vaccination may be counterproductive. 

Initially, it was found that the mRNA vaccine effectively prevented severe cases or deaths and prevented infections. However, in Israel, where vaccination is the most advanced, a rapid increase in the number of infections, severe cases, and deaths has been observed, and even in Japan, where vaccination of the elderly has progressed, the number of severe cases and deaths has increased. Frequent administration of vaccines that induce antibodies to spike proteins against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is easily mutated, may appear effective in the short term but less effective in the medium to long term. This phenomenon, called original antigenic sin [1], or antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) [2], has been well known in virology and immunology for a long time, and honest virologists and immunologists worldwide have sounded this alarm. Unfortunately, it is difficult to introduce an effective vaccine against omicron mutants because of the original antigenic sin. Therefore, if we continue to vaccinate with the current vaccine, it is not surprising that ADE-causing mutants may appear at any time in the future. 

2. Concerns about the safety of mRNA vaccines

The mRNA vaccine is not a safe vaccine.

mRNA vaccines utilize a completely different mechanism than conventional vaccines, and the number of reports of serious adverse reactions after vaccination is an order of magnitude greater than that of conventional vaccines. In addition, the mid-to-long-term safety of the mRNA vaccine is unknown, and the risk will likely increase further with continued booster use. Initially, mRNA vaccines were considered safe because (1) they remain at the injection site, (2) they are quickly broken down, and (3) they do not harm because only a part of the virus is produced, but all of these are wrong. 

(1) In animal experiments conducted by Pfizer-BioNTech, it was found that the components of the mRNA vaccine were transported from the injection site to the bloodstream and accumulated in the organs throughout the body [3]

(2) It has been reported that the spike protein circulates in the blood for at least 4 months after vaccination [4].

(3) The spike protein itself, produced by the body based on information from the injected mRNA, was reported to have toxic effects, such as vascular endothelial cell damage [5, 6]. 

In addition, if an immunity to spike protein is acquired after the first and second vaccinations, the immune system will attack the cells of the self that produce spike protein as a target, resulting in various adverse reactions such as autoimmune diseases [7, 8, 9]. 

Moreover, it has been reported that immunity to other pathogens [10] and malignancies [11, 12, 13] may be impaired because immune cells are finite, and their limited resources are biased toward immunity to spike proteins. mRNA vaccines have a special structure(N1-methyl-Pseudouridine) and have been shown to reduce innate and acquired immunity [14, 15]. 

Thus, the effectiveness of the current mRNA vaccine against the ever-mutating virus is already poor, and theoretically, it may even become counterproductive in the future. Signs of this are being seen in Israel, where four vaccinations are underway. 

Therefore, we firmly oppose the continued use of vaccines, whose medium- to long-term efficacy and safety cannot be guaranteed in Japan, where there is little damage caused by COVID-19. Many researchers have pointed out that statistical data can be interpreted in many different ways and that the effectiveness of this vaccine is overestimated while adverse reactions are underestimated. There is a huge discrepancy between what we see in clinical practice and statistical data also suggests this. The enormous damage caused by vaccines, which cannot be hidden even if underestimated, is gradually becoming clear worldwide. It is clear that if vaccinations continue at this rate, the damage will continue to increase; for the sake of Japan's future, we call for an immediate halt to vaccinations. 

3. Current infectious disease control measures that violate human rights

Infectious disease control measures currently under the guise of "protecting life" and "protecting medical care" clearly violate human rights. Social life should not be sacrificed to protect medical care; actually, medical care exists to protect the healthy social lives of all people.Excessive restrictions on social life have violated the right to live freely, especially for children and adolescents, for 2 years, and COVID-19 has proven to be a seldom serious disease, especially in healthy children and adolescents. Nevertheless, the daily practice of forcing them to wear masks and be vaccinated in educational facilities, the discrimination caused by this practice, and the loss of various educational opportunities due to excessive self-restraint will certainly hinder the healthy growth of children and young people who will support Japan in the future. SARS-CoV-2 has already spread worldwide, and measures taken from the perspective of containing COVID-19 are no longer realistic. European countries such as the UK have already started to abolish social restrictions, and Japan needs to review its countermeasures as soon as possible. To restore a sense of balance in society as a whole, change excessive infection control measures, and provide scientific and appropriate medical care according to the degree of symptoms, the legal treatment on which these measures are based must be changed. The current handling of COVID-19 as pandemic influenza (novel influenza or re-emerging influenza) in Japan’s Infectious Diseases Control Law needs to be drastically revised to align with the actual situation. 

As described above, we, the Japan Association of Hospital Doctors, strongly call for the "immediate cancellation of the current mRNA vaccination" and the "correction of infectious disease control measures that violate human rights" so that the unparalleled harm to vaccination and infection control in history will not spread any further. 

The Japan Association of Hospital Doctors 

Statement of Japan Hospital Doctors, February 27, 2022

We, the Japan Association Hospital Doctors, hereby release a statement strongly calling for the "immediate cancellation of the current mRNA vaccination" and the"correction of infectious disease control measures that violate human rights."If you agree, please sign a petition using your Twitter username from the linked note.



1) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28479213/


3https://www.docdroid.net/xq0Z8B0/pfizer-report-japanese-government-pdf page 6-7

4) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34654691/











