
Nowhere dreams, Escape to Wastedland|New York in 2016

「Nowhere dreams, Escape to Wastedland ー どこででも願われる夢、荒地への旅路」

2016年の7月。当時の私は16歳、札幌に住んでいる高校1年生だった。札幌農学校を開校したクラーク博士の言葉「Boys be ambitious ー 少年よ大志を抱け」という名言があるように、少年だった私。無人島を一人で生き残る『ロビンソン・クルーソーの物語』、同じく無人島を漂流する少年たちの物語『十五少年漂流記』、ノーチラス号に乗って冒険に出る『海底二万里』、それから気球に乗って『八十日間世界一周』あたりが好きだった。冒険好きだった。子どもの頃によく読んでいたSFや小説を、今さら読むことは減ってきた。



当時はまだ、マンハッタンの道端で売っているホットドッグが6ドル、7ドルくらいだった記憶がある。800円程度? また、円が110円とか、高くて120円の時代だった。そんなことを考えると、あの時に行っておいてよかったなと思う。




2016年の9月ごろ。韓国のソウルを経由してニューヨーク、ジョン・F・ケネディ国際空港へ到着した。何度もメディアで目にしたことのある、オーラを感じる空港だ。当時の私はお金のない高校生バックパッカーだった。しかも、韓国や日本を除いてアジアの外を旅するのはこれが初めて。そんな状況で、安くて安全な宿を見つけるのは不安だらけだった。ただ、不思議と韓国語ができたことが役立ち、ニューヨーク在住の韓国系の人が運営するゲストハウスを見つけることができた。タクシーのピックアップ付きで、一泊25ドルぐらいだった記憶がある。場所はクイーンズ地区のフラッシング(Queens district, Flushing)、アジア系の人々が多く住むエリアだった。ただ、今思えば、エアビーなどの宿泊提供スタイルがまだ普及し始めたばかりの時期で、制度的な規制も整っていなかったのだろう。玄関ドアにA4の紙が貼られているその宿は、今考えると不法営業だったのかもしれない。



ニューヨーク市地下鉄7系統(Flushing Local and Express)、紫のラインに乗り、「Times Sq」という駅名を見つけた。タイムズスクエアだ。とりあえず、ニューヨークに行きたいという気持ちだけでやってきた私は、知っているのはタイムズスクエアとブロードウェイくらいだった。地下鉄でタイムズスクエアまでどれくらい時間がかかるのかもわからないまま、吸い込まれるように電車に乗った。


マンハッタンが近づくにつれ、心拍数が高まっていく。時間は17:30を少し過ぎた頃だった気がする。橋の上を走る電車の窓際に立ち、マンハッタンの摩天楼、スカイスクレーパーを眺めた。西に沈もうとしている夕陽がビルのガラスに反射して輝く光景。これぞニューヨーク、という定番のランドスケープ。そして、定番の曲、Jay-Zの「Empire State of Mind」を聴きながら、コンクリートジャングルに近づく感覚を味わっていた。


「Times Sq」駅に降り立つと、人々が驚くほど速いペースで歩いていて、転びそうになりながら駅の壁際に身を寄せ、人波が過ぎ去るのを待った。人々の流れを追いかけながら出口を探し、どの出口に出ればタイムズスクエアにたどり着けるのかもわからないまま、一番多い群れを避けて次に多い人々が向かう出口を目指した。自分にとって、この一歩引いた距離感が何かを選ぶ際の基準だった。



English ver.

Back then, I was 16 years old and a first-year high school student living in Sapporo. Sapporo is known for Dr. Clark, who founded the Sapporo Agricultural College, and his famous words: “Boys, be ambitious.” Like the "boys" in his quote, I was just a young boy at the time. I was captivated by adventure stories such as Robinson Crusoe, where the protagonist survives alone on a deserted island, Two Years' Vacation, a tale of shipwrecked boys, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea aboard the Nautilus, and Around the World in Eighty Days in a hot air balloon. I loved adventure. As I grew older, I found myself reading fewer of those childhood sci-fi and adventure novels.

What drives people to set out on a journey? For me in 2024, traveling feels closer to the mindset of a nomad. That is, seeking a place to live, to settle, to build a life. A journey to escape the instability of the present and find a place of comfort and security. But perhaps journeys in one’s teenage years are the opposite. They’re about seeking out uncertainty—about diving headfirst into new experiences, unfamiliar scenery, and places you’ve only heard of in passing. With no real sense of direction, no knowledge of the map, and no concrete goals, you simply follow that heartbeat-racing feeling that draws you to certain places. In a way, it’s a journey fueled by the desire for instability.

For 16-year-old me, where was that heartbeat-pounding place? It must have been New York. Now, I’m not interested in America or its models of success; in fact, I idealize a lifestyle that’s quite the opposite. But at that time, to me, “English” meant America, and “America” meant New York. Unfortunately, I never felt drawn to the western side, like San Francisco. Even today, I have no special affection for the West Coast. I don’t know enough about America to comment on the differences between the coasts, but instinctively, I’ve always felt more at home with the East Coast. Maybe that feeling hasn’t changed since then.

At the time, hot dogs sold on Manhattan street corners cost about six or seven dollars—around 800 yen. The yen was trading at 110 to 120 per dollar. Thinking about that now, I’m glad I went when I did.

To save up for my trip to New York, I worked at the summer beer garden held every year in Sapporo. It was a short-term job, so it left me with plenty of time for a long vacation afterward. My high school had an unusual three-week “autumn break,” and I made full use of that time.

Looking back, that beer garden job was pretty grueling. I won’t name the company, but I didn’t fully understand Japanese at the time. When asked about my availability, I naively said, “I’m free every day,” not realizing they’d schedule me for 21 straight days of work. On the bright side, I managed to save over 200,000 yen (roughly $1,800) in just under a month as a high school student. It was my first-ever job in Japan since transferring schools mid-year and struggling with attendance. Despite the tough conditions, it was a fun and memorable experience. Back then, I had the energy to brave the winter in short sleeves, and I believed that having a goal—any goal—was inherently good. I wouldn’t trade those memories, even if they belong to a past I can’t return to.

Striking a pose at Don Quijote(Retail shops in Japan), riding the high-energy wave of that classic international student vibe.

In September 2016, I flew to New York via Seoul. My journey brought me to John F. Kennedy International Airport, a place I’d seen countless times in the media. As a broke high school backpacker, venturing beyond Asia for the first time, finding affordable and safe accommodation was a nerve-wracking challenge. However, my Korean skills came in handy, leading me to a guesthouse run by Korean New Yorkers in Flushing, Queens—a neighborhood with a significant Asian population. It cost about $25 a night, with an airport pickup included. Looking back, it’s likely that guesthouse operated in a legal gray area; its “reception desk” was just a printed A4 sheet taped to the front door.

Sitting at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

The guesthouse’s dormitory-style room, dimly lit with natural light from a single window, had two bunk beds without curtains—classic dorm accommodations. Everyone staying there happened to be Korean, which offered some comfort. Though I wouldn’t do this now, I secured my belongings with a padlock on my backpack, tucked $20 in my pocket, and headed to the nearest subway station. At the time, I didn’t rely on Google Maps—partly because I couldn’t afford a SIM card and partly out of sheer determination to navigate without one. I figured I’d stumble upon a station or two by following the main road.

I boarded the 7 train, the Flushing Local and Express, and spotted a familiar station name: Times Sq.—Times Square. I had no idea how long it would take to get there, but it was one of the few names I knew. Drawn in by the promise of this iconic landmark, I hopped on.

The subway was an intense cultural experience: faces I couldn’t quite place speaking languages I couldn’t identify. Mandarin? Vietnamese? Large Black men in bold fashion, panhandlers, buskers—it was a vivid, chaotic mosaic of people. As the train crossed a bridge and Manhattan’s skyline came into view, my pulse quickened. The setting sun reflected off the skyscrapers’ windows, bathing the city in a golden glow. This was the New York I’d imagined. Listening to Jay-Z’s Empire State of Mind, I savored the surreal feeling of approaching this concrete jungle.

The train dove underground as we neared Manhattan. Between the rumbling noise and muffled announcements, I strained to keep track of my stop.

Disembarking at Times Square, I was immediately overwhelmed by the pace of the crowd. I clung to the wall, waiting for the sea of people to pass before cautiously following the flow to the exit. Unsure which exit would take me to Times Square, I avoided the densest crowds and followed the second-busiest stream of people—an instinct that mirrored how I often approached decisions.

The subway featured an array of street performers: a gentleman in a crisp white shirt playing an instrument, soulful Black artists singing their hearts out, drummers pounding on buckets, and guitar-strumming buskers. It was quintessential New York street culture. Yet, eager to see Times Square’s neon sea with my own eyes, I brushed past them, letting their performances blur like fleeting images in my peripheral vision.

And there it was: Times Square. Neon signs and massive screens lit up the night sky in a dazzling display. This was the “dream” New York I had longed to see. But beneath the brilliance, I also caught glimpses of the city’s instability—homeless individuals sitting quietly amid the glitz and glamor. The chaotic energy of this place left an indelible impression on me. It was both overwhelming and starkly real, a mirror reflecting both dreams and their hidden costs.


ジョン | Jong