・ML-Agents(var 0.13.1)
・Visual Studio 2017
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents;
public class PenguinAcademy : Academy
/// Gets/sets the current fish speed
public float FishSpeed { get; private set; }
/// Gets/sets the current acceptable feed radius
public float FeedRadius { get; private set; }
/// Called when the academy first gets initialized
public override void InitializeAcademy()
FishSpeed = 0f;
FeedRadius = 0f;
// Set up code to be called every time the fish_speed parameter changes
// during curriculum learning
FloatProperties.RegisterCallback("fish_speed", f =>
FishSpeed = f;
// Set up code to be called every time the feed_radius parameter changes
// during curriculum learning
FloatProperties.RegisterCallback("feed_radius", f =>
FeedRadius = f;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents;
using TMPro;
public class PenguinArea : Area
[Tooltip("The agent inside the area")]
public PenguinAgent penguinAgent;
[Tooltip("The baby penguin inside the area")]
public GameObject penguinBaby;
[Tooltip("The TextMeshPro text that shows the cumulative reward of the agent")]
public TextMeshPro cumulativeRewardText;
[Tooltip("Prefab of a live fish")]
public Fish fishPrefab;
private PenguinAcademy penguinAcademy;
private List<GameObject> fishList;
/// Reset the area, including fish and penguin placement
public override void ResetArea()
SpawnFish(4, penguinAcademy.FishSpeed);
/// Remove a specific fish from the area when it is eaten
/// <param name="fishObject">The fish to remove</param>
public void RemoveSpecificFish(GameObject fishObject)
/// The number of fish remaining
public int FishRemaining
get { return fishList.Count; }
/// Choose a random position on the X-Z plane within a partial donut shape
/// <param name="center">The center of the donut</param>
/// <param name="minAngle">Minimum angle of the wedge</param>
/// <param name="maxAngle">Maximum angle of the wedge</param>
/// <param name="minRadius">Minimum distance from the center</param>
/// <param name="maxRadius">Maximum distance from the center</param>
/// <returns>A position falling within the specified region</returns>
public static Vector3 ChooseRandomPosition(Vector3 center, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float minRadius, float maxRadius)
float radius = minRadius;
float angle = minAngle;
if (maxRadius > minRadius)
// Pick a random radius
radius = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minRadius, maxRadius);
if (maxAngle > minAngle)
// Pick a random angle
angle = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minAngle, maxAngle);
// Center position + forward vector rotated around the Y axis by "angle" degrees, multiplies by "radius"
return center + Quaternion.Euler(0f, angle, 0f) * Vector3.forward * radius;
/// Remove all fish from the area
private void RemoveAllFish()
if (fishList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < fishList.Count; i++)
if (fishList[i] != null)
fishList = new List<GameObject>();
/// Place the penguin in the area
private void PlacePenguin()
Rigidbody rigidbody = penguinAgent.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
penguinAgent.transform.position = ChooseRandomPosition(transform.position, 0f, 360f, 0f, 9f) + Vector3.up * .5f;
penguinAgent.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f), 0f);
/// Place the baby in the area
private void PlaceBaby()
Rigidbody rigidbody = penguinBaby.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
penguinBaby.transform.position = ChooseRandomPosition(transform.position, -45f, 45f, 4f, 9f) + Vector3.up * .5f;
penguinBaby.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f);
/// Spawn some number of fish in the area and set their swim speed
/// <param name="count">The number to spawn</param>
/// <param name="fishSpeed">The swim speed</param>
private void SpawnFish(int count, float fishSpeed)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// Spawn and place the fish
GameObject fishObject = Instantiate<GameObject>(fishPrefab.gameObject);
fishObject.transform.position = ChooseRandomPosition(transform.position, 100f, 260f, 2f, 13f) + Vector3.up * .5f;
fishObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f), 0f);
// Set the fish's parent to this area's transform
// Keep track of the fish
// Set the fish speed
fishObject.GetComponent<Fish>().fishSpeed = fishSpeed;
/// Called when the game starts
private void Start()
penguinAcademy = FindObjectOfType<PenguinAcademy>();
/// Called every frame
private void Update()
// Update the cumulative reward text
cumulativeRewardText.text = penguinAgent.GetCumulativeReward().ToString("0.00");
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents;
public class PenguinAgent : Agent
[Tooltip("How fast the agent moves forward")]
public float moveSpeed = 5f;
[Tooltip("How fast the agent turns")]
public float turnSpeed = 180f;
[Tooltip("Prefab of the heart that appears when the baby is fed")]
public GameObject heartPrefab;
[Tooltip("Prefab of the regurgitated fish that appears when the baby is fed")]
public GameObject regurgitatedFishPrefab;
private PenguinArea penguinArea;
private PenguinAcademy penguinAcademy;
new private Rigidbody rigidbody;
private GameObject baby;
private bool isFull; // If true, penguin has a full stomach
private float feedRadius = 0f;
/// Initial setup, called when the agent is enabled
public override void InitializeAgent()
penguinArea = GetComponentInParent<PenguinArea>();
penguinAcademy = FindObjectOfType<PenguinAcademy>();
baby = penguinArea.penguinBaby;
rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
/// Perform actions based on a vector of numbers
/// <param name="vectorAction">The list of actions to take</param>
public override void AgentAction(float[] vectorAction)
// Convert the first action to forward movement
float forwardAmount = vectorAction[0];
// Convert the second action to turning left or right
float turnAmount = 0f;
if (vectorAction[1] == 1f)
turnAmount = -1f;
else if (vectorAction[1] == 2f)
turnAmount = 1f;
// Apply movement
rigidbody.MovePosition(transform.position + transform.forward * forwardAmount * moveSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
transform.Rotate(transform.up * turnAmount * turnSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
// Apply a tiny negative reward every step to encourage action
AddReward(-1f / agentParameters.maxStep);
/// Read inputs from the keyboard and convert them to a list of actions.
/// This is called only when the player wants to control the agent and has set
/// Behavior Type to "Heuristic Only" in the Behavior Parameters inspector.
/// <returns>A vectorAction array of floats that will be passed into <see cref="AgentAction(float[])"/></returns>
public override float[] Heuristic()
float forwardAction = 0f;
float turnAction = 0f;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
// move forward
forwardAction = 1f;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
// turn left
turnAction = 1f;
else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
// turn right
turnAction = 2f;
// Put the actions into an array and return
return new float[] { forwardAction, turnAction };
/// Reset the agent and area
public override void AgentReset()
isFull = false;
feedRadius = penguinAcademy.FeedRadius;
/// Collect all non-Raycast observations
public override void CollectObservations()
// Whether the penguin has eaten a fish (1 float = 1 value)
// Distance to the baby (1 float = 1 value)
AddVectorObs(Vector3.Distance(baby.transform.position, transform.position));
// Direction to baby (1 Vector3 = 3 values)
AddVectorObs((baby.transform.position - transform.position).normalized);
// Direction penguin is facing (1 Vector3 = 3 values)
// 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 8 total values
private void FixedUpdate()
// Test if the agent is close enough to to feed the baby
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, baby.transform.position) < feedRadius)
// Close enough, try to feed the baby
/// When the agent collides with something, take action
/// <param name="collision">The collision info</param>
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if (collision.transform.CompareTag("fish"))
// Try to eat the fish
else if (collision.transform.CompareTag("baby"))
// Try to feed the baby
/// Check if agent is full, if not, eat the fish and get a reward
/// <param name="fishObject">The fish to eat</param>
private void EatFish(GameObject fishObject)
if (isFull) return; // Can't eat another fish while full
isFull = true;
/// Check if agent is full, if yes, feed the baby
private void RegurgitateFish()
if (!isFull) return; // Nothing to regurgitate
isFull = false;
// Spawn regurgitated fish
GameObject regurgitatedFish = Instantiate<GameObject>(regurgitatedFishPrefab);
regurgitatedFish.transform.parent = transform.parent;
regurgitatedFish.transform.position = baby.transform.position;
Destroy(regurgitatedFish, 4f);
// Spawn heart
GameObject heart = Instantiate<GameObject>(heartPrefab);
heart.transform.parent = transform.parent;
heart.transform.position = baby.transform.position + Vector3.up;
Destroy(heart, 4f);
if (penguinArea.FishRemaining <= 0)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Fish : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The swim speed")]
public float fishSpeed;
private float randomizedSpeed = 0f;
private float nextActionTime = -1f;
private Vector3 targetPosition;
/// Called every timestep
private void FixedUpdate()
if (fishSpeed > 0f)
/// Swim between random positions
private void Swim()
// If it's time for the next action, pick a new speed and destination
// Else, swim toward the destination
if (Time.fixedTime >= nextActionTime)
// Randomize the speed
randomizedSpeed = fishSpeed * UnityEngine.Random.Range(.5f, 1.5f);
// Pick a random target
targetPosition = PenguinArea.ChooseRandomPosition(transform.parent.position, 100f, 260f, 2f, 13f);
// Rotate toward the target
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetPosition - transform.position, Vector3.up);
// Calculate the time to get there
float timeToGetThere = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetPosition) / randomizedSpeed;
nextActionTime = Time.fixedTime + timeToGetThere;
// Make sure that the fish does not swim past the target
Vector3 moveVector = randomizedSpeed * transform.forward * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
if (moveVector.magnitude <= Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetPosition))
transform.position += moveVector;
transform.position = targetPosition;
nextActionTime = Time.fixedTime;
trainer: ppo
batch_size: 1024
beta: 5.0e-3
buffer_size: 10240
epsilon: 0.2
hidden_units: 128
lambd: 0.95
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
learning_rate_schedule: linear
max_steps: 5.0e4
memory_size: 256
normalize: false
num_epoch: 3
num_layers: 2
time_horizon: 64
sequence_length: 64
summary_freq: 1000
use_recurrent: false
vis_encode_type: simple
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.99
normalize: false
beta: 5.0e-3
batch_size: 1024
buffer_size: 10240
max_steps: 1.0e5
normalize: true
max_steps: 1.0e6
num_layers: 2
hidden_units: 64
max_steps: 5.0e4
batch_size: 128
buffer_size: 2048
beta: 1.0e-2
hidden_units: 256
summary_freq: 2000
time_horizon: 64
num_layers: 2
max_steps: 1.0e6
batch_size: 128
buffer_size: 2048
beta: 5.0e-3
hidden_units: 256
summary_freq: 2000
time_horizon: 128
num_layers: 2
normalize: false
max_steps: 1.0e6
batch_size: 128
buffer_size: 2048
beta: 5.0e-3
hidden_units: 256
summary_freq: 2000
time_horizon: 128
num_layers: 2
normalize: false
max_steps: 5.0e5
learning_rate: 1e-3
batch_size: 128
num_epoch: 3
buffer_size: 2000
beta: 1.0e-2
hidden_units: 256
summary_freq: 2000
time_horizon: 128
num_layers: 2
normalize: false
max_steps: 5.0e5
learning_rate: 1e-3
batch_size: 320
num_epoch: 3
buffer_size: 2000
beta: 1.0e-2
hidden_units: 256
summary_freq: 2000
time_horizon: 128
num_layers: 2
normalize: false
summary_freq: 2000
time_horizon: 128
batch_size: 128
buffer_size: 2048
hidden_units: 512
num_layers: 2
beta: 1.0e-2
max_steps: 5.0e5
num_epoch: 3
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.99
strength: 0.02
gamma: 0.99
encoding_size: 256
time_horizon: 128
batch_size: 64
buffer_size: 2024
hidden_units: 256
num_layers: 1
beta: 1.0e-2
max_steps: 5.0e5
num_epoch: 3
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.99
strength: 0.01
gamma: 0.99
encoding_size: 256
normalize: true
batch_size: 64
buffer_size: 12000
summary_freq: 1000
time_horizon: 1000
lambd: 0.99
beta: 0.001
normalize: true
batch_size: 1200
buffer_size: 12000
summary_freq: 1000
time_horizon: 1000
max_steps: 5.0e5
beta: 0.001
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.995
normalize: true
max_steps: 2e5
normalize: true
num_epoch: 3
time_horizon: 1000
batch_size: 2024
buffer_size: 20240
max_steps: 1e6
summary_freq: 3000
num_layers: 3
hidden_units: 512
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.995
normalize: true
num_epoch: 3
time_horizon: 1000
batch_size: 2024
buffer_size: 20240
max_steps: 1e6
summary_freq: 3000
num_layers: 3
hidden_units: 512
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.995
normalize: true
num_epoch: 3
time_horizon: 1000
batch_size: 2048
buffer_size: 20480
max_steps: 2e6
summary_freq: 3000
num_layers: 3
hidden_units: 512
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.995
normalize: true
num_epoch: 3
time_horizon: 1000
batch_size: 2024
buffer_size: 20240
max_steps: 1e6
summary_freq: 3000
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.995
use_recurrent: true
sequence_length: 64
num_layers: 2
hidden_units: 128
memory_size: 256
beta: 1.0e-2
num_epoch: 3
buffer_size: 1024
batch_size: 128
max_steps: 5.0e5
summary_freq: 1000
time_horizon: 64
use_recurrent: true
sequence_length: 64
num_layers: 1
hidden_units: 128
memory_size: 256
beta: 1.0e-2
num_epoch: 3
buffer_size: 1024
batch_size: 64
max_steps: 5.0e5
summary_freq: 1000
time_horizon: 64
use_recurrent: true
sequence_length: 32
num_layers: 1
hidden_units: 128
memory_size: 256
beta: 1.0e-2
num_epoch: 3
buffer_size: 1024
batch_size: 64
max_steps: 5.0e5
summary_freq: 1000
time_horizon: 64
batch_size: 32
normalize: false
num_layers: 1
hidden_units: 256
beta: 5.0e-3
buffer_size: 256
max_steps: 50000
summary_freq: 2000
time_horizon: 5
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.9
batch_size: 32
normalize: false
num_layers: 1
hidden_units: 20
beta: 5.0e-3
buffer_size: 256
max_steps: 5.0e5
summary_freq: 2000
time_horizon: 3
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.9
summary_freq: 5000
time_horizon: 128
batch_size: 128
buffer_size: 2048
hidden_units: 256
beta: 1.0e-2
max_steps: 1.0e6
・「config → curricula → penguin」内のPenguinLearning.json
"measure": "reward",
"thresholds": [ -0.1, 0.7, 1.7, 1.7, 1.7, 2.7, 2.7 ],
"min_lesson_length": 80,
"signal_smoothing": true,
"parameters": {
"fish_speed": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ],
"feed_radius": [ 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2 ]