オイル発掘日誌Day6 スコッチ編
Upon joining JIGEKI, I was blown away by the scale of the club. So many people working in so many departments,
In Scotland, and London where my university is, theatre clubs tend to be almost entirely actors, with one director, and one person to handle lighting, sound, costumes, and everything else. You can imagine my surprise when I arrived at JIGEKI to find an entire department for making clothes by hand, another for building the stage out of wood, and about 3 people each for sound and lighting. It feels like an incredibly professional environment, with everyone giving 100% effort.
It has also meant a lot to me that I was accepted into the club without question, even though my speaking ability when I arrived made it difficult for me to have a real conversation. It’s still not great now, but I feel joining JIGEKI has helped me with my Japanese (language) a huge amount, and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to speak with me during club hours.
I was also surprised by how many performances happen each year, in Scotland, 1 or 2 performances each year is common, but JIGEKI do 5! Part of this has to do with how many hours of rehearsals take place. I believe the average rehearsal time in drama clubs in the U.K. is probably around 5 hours per week, whilst JIGEKI rehearses for almost 20! This dedication is how it’s possible to have 5 shows per year.
I am really enjoying my time with JIGEKI, particularly for me the social aspect has been brilliant, and I look forward to when my Japanese has improved more so that I can speak with everyone much more easily.
神戸大学演劇部自由劇場vol.226 卒業公演
演出 : 葵衣咲里彩