
私が経験したのは、Emma Doddの Meという絵本。図書館で借りて、アルミホイル調のシルバーでキラキラ✨美しく、思わず「わあ✨😍」と声が出てくるような絵本です。自分でも欲しくてネットで購入しましたが、現在の版はキラキラ仕様ではなくなっていました。もちろん内容は優しくて素敵なままなのでぜひ読んでみてくださいね。
また、William Nicholson の ‘Clever Bill’という作品(first editionがおすすめ)も、子どもならではの手書きの間違いや表現が微笑ましい絵本で大好きなのですが、購入したものはタイプライターで打ち込まれたフォントになってました涙。手書きバージョンを手に入れるまでに2冊買いました。この本のおかげで、ネイティブの子どもたちの言語習得までの経過が読み取れる素晴らしい本です👍📕
We are holding a Jazzles English event at Inashiki City Library on Saturday, March 29th, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM!
My first encounter with wonderful English picture books was at the library. 😍📕 (Though I was already an adult!)
In fact, some editions are now quite hard to find.
One book that left a strong impression on me was #me by Emma Dodd. When I borrowed it from the library, I was amazed by its sparkling, beautiful design—I couldn’t help but say, “Wow! ✨😍” out loud. I immediately purchased it online, only to find that the current edition no longer had the sparkling effect.
Another book I love is Clever Bill by William Nicholson. It’s an adorable picture book that captures children’s handwritten mistakes and unique expressions. However, when I bought a copy, I realized that the text had been changed to a typewriter-style font. 🥹 I ended up buying two copies just to get the handwritten version! 😅 This book is a fantastic resource for understanding how native-speaking children acquire language. 👍📕
Before I officially started working with Jazzles, I was so fascinated by its songs that I ordered a Jazzles CD from an overseas website. To my surprise, it originally came from a public library in America! 😍 (I can’t imagine a library selling its collection as secondhand items in Japan! 😂)
豪州発の英語プログラム「Sing to Read! Jazzlesジャズルス」に魅せられ早8年。Sing to Read!歌から派生する体系的な実践英語学習を多くの人に届けたく奮闘中!