
"Black,Brown,Yellow, and White"すべての人種の大人数の人々が今日のFloyd氏のメモリアルに集まり、一斉にBrooklyn Bridgeを渡って差別のない社会と平和を訴えた

ミネアポリスで亡くなったFloyd氏の弟のブルックリンに住むTerrence Floyd氏が、今日の2時からのミネアポリスでのメモリアル(葬儀)に合わせて、同じくブルックリンのCadman Plaza Parkと言うダウンタウンにある公園で、2時からのメモリアルを行なった。ちなみに、多くのテレビ局では、恐らく交互にミネアポリスとブルックリンのメモリアルの様子を流していたと思う。







そして、ミネアポリスの葬儀では、Floyd氏の親族や関係者だけでなく、公民権運動家でトークショーの司会者でもあるAl Sharptomも駆けつけ、親族を含む代表者の言葉の合間、Amazing Graceを始め、スイングとともに黒人のミュージシャンの演奏なども奏でられた後、400年前に不当な黒人差別により始まった悲劇の歴史にもういい加減に終止符を打つべきだと最後に熱い言葉を語り、追悼の黙祷に入った。





Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Say we want a revolution
We better get on right away
Well you get on your feet
And into the street
Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
A million workers working for nothing
You better give 'em what they really own
We got to put you down
When we come into town
Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
I gotta ask you comrades and brothers
How do you treat you own woman back home
She got to be herself
So she can free herself
Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Now, now, now, now
Oh well, power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Yeah, power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

Lyrics by John Lennon
