1 I had an entrance ceremony! I was so happy that my parents came together. I’m happy to have today.
2 I ate sushi for lunch with my family. The conversation was so exciting!
3 I ate Oyako-don for dinner.
1 I went to school for a medical checkup.
2 I could chat with people who I met for the first time and went to eat lunch with them.
3 After back to home, I slept for 2 hours.
1 I could get up at 6:30 am.
2 I could take an orientation program for two hours… I was so tired…
3 I slept for three hours after coming home. I slept well.
1 I took orientations of my major. A course registration was much more complicated than I thought. I’ll do my best.
2 When my mother is so tired, she changes into troublesome personality. Tonight was exactly like that but I could control my irritation emotion. I was great.
3 I cleaned up the bathroom.
1 I think it is ok that I don’t go to the first orientation of clubs but I’m coming…
2 I could read a book of course registration a little. It is very complicating!!
3 I slept enough.
1 I registered for the courses halfway… It’s tough…
2 I cooked pasta dish for dinner.
3 I didn’t take a bath but slept well!
1 I’ve finished the course registration!! I made it!
2 I cooked a scrambled egg for lunch.
3 I ate pasta for dinner. It was delicious.
It was like this the week. I had entrance ceremony,orientations and registration for the course. It was tough week for me but I could finish it.