
#004 レアジョブ4日目 昨日と同じ講師



今回のレッスンでは、正しい英語の表現に気をつけることがいかに重要かを改めて感じました。例えば、"He wanted confirm order" という表現を使ったとき、講師から「正しくは 'He wanted to confirm the details of Faye Lewis' order' ですよ」と指摘を受けました。また、"I want by email because it is recorded and evidence" という表現も、正しくは "By email to serve as a record or proof" と直されました。


さらに、発音の練習もしました。"queries" の発音は [KWEER-eez]、"briefly" は [breef-li] など、しっかり口に出して練習しました。このあたりの積み重ねが、自信を持って英語を使うために大事なんだなと感じます。


また、レッスン内容の振り返りとして、正しい表現を使うことに関してかなりよく取り組まれたようです。具体的には「confirm」や「by email」の使い方の改善点に気づけているのは素晴らしいことです。これからも、細かい文法や表現の違いに気をつけながら練習を続けると良いでしょう。






clarify - to make something clear

Why did Shane Smith send an e-mail to Faye Lewis?

2. What did Shane Smith request Faye Lewis to do?

1. You said: He wanted confirm order Correct: He wanted to confirm the details of Faye Lewis’ order 2. You said: I want by email because it is recorded and evidence. Correct: By email to serve as a record or proof.

queries [KWEER-eez] quotation [kwoh-TEY-shuh n] hesitate [HEZ-i-teyt]

queries [KWEER-eez]

briefly [breef-li]

(1) ___ ________ ___ ________ the details of the charity auction that you are hosting.

I am writing to confirm

Please attached

I am writing to confirm the details of the charity auction that you are hosting.

Please find attached list of items that will be donated.

Would it be ok to send list of attendees to us as soon as possible?

I am writing to confirm the details of your participation in our seminar .

Please find attached schedule of activities.

Would it be okay to send me the attendance confirmation to us as soon as possible?

DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2016 FROM: Timothy Del Rey TO: Eleanor Green SUBJECT: Seminar Attendance Dear Ms. Green, 1)[your participation in our seminar] I’m writing to confirm your participation in our seminar. We would love to know if you would attend again this year. 2)[schedule of activities] Please find attached schedule of activities. 3)[the attendance confirmation to us] Would it be okay to send the attendance confirmation to us as soon as possible? Let me know if you have any concerns. Sincerely, Timothy Del Rey

OVERALL SCORE 3 -You used the expressions clearly and correctly with some guidance -You were able to answer the exercises easily. VOCABULARY clarify - to make something clear GRAMMAR 1. You said: He wanted confirm order Correct: He wanted to confirm the details of Faye Lewis' order 2. You said: I want by email because it is recorded and evidence. Correct: By email to serve as a record or proof. PHONOLOGY queries [KWEER-eez] briefly [breef-li]
