預言者ムハンマドと少女アイーシャの結婚とセックスに関する真正なハディース(ムハンマドと彼の教友らの言行録)は、Sahih al-Bukhari 5134以外にも下記のものがある(Sahih Muslim 1422c)。ハディースによって、アイーシャの結婚時の年齢が6歳だったり、7歳だったりする。
Sahih Muslim 1422c - The Book of Marriage - كتاب النكاح - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
(10)Chapter: It is permissible for a father to arrange the marriage of a young virgin
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.