Auschwitz. Krakow,Poland
Having visited Poland, I went to Auschwitz Birkenau and Wieliczka Salt Mine. Both of them are the world heritage. It was still more interesting than I had expected.
The Auschwitz is too famous to explain. It’s known as negative heritage of WWⅡ. Huge number of people was killed here.
This is the entrance of AuschwitzⅠ, also famous. “B” is reversed. There are many estimated reasons for that, main one is just fashion.
The model of gas room where a lot of people were murdered having assumed that they are going to take showers.
Empty bottles of gas to murder
The rooms spending everyday life. Toilet is not divided. Many people died due to sever environment.
Without gas, SS murdered by shouting. Sounds of gun spreading in Auschwitz threatened people not to escape and to follow SS.
What is the most shocking for me is uncountable hair piled up so high which is cut to weave clothes and sell. It isn’t allowed to take photos of them.
There are innumerable other things we should know. It’s not so far past tragedy but just about 80 years ago which is short time in human beings history. Of course we must not repeat this history. Moreover, there are still people who suffer from discrimination, starvation and more. My dream is to contribute to change and improve this situation and world. This experience motivated me so much.
Pictures of other places will be upload to albums.
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