Guide to Horse Racecourse in Japan: Fukushima Racecourse /福島競馬場

[My Rating]
・Accessibility ★★☆ Good (Easy to get there by public transport from major cities)
・Atmosphere ★★☆ Good
・Facility ★★☆ Good
・Entertainment around the racecourse ★☆☆ Standard

[Best Season to visit]
July *It’s obviously hot, however it’s worth visiting Fukushima racecourse in summer, enjoyning summer festival season in Tohoku area

[General Information]
・Location: Fukushima, Fukushima prefecture / 福島県福島市
・Nearest Station: Fukushima station 福島駅 (Tohoku Shinkansen(bullet train), JR Tohoku line, and etc. 東北本線等)*
・Established in 1918
・Operated by JRA (Japan Racing Association)
・Type of race: Flat and Hurdle
・Type of racecourse: Turf and Dirt (Right-handed)
・Racing Season: April, July and November
・Dress Code: None
・Fee: 200 yen for general admission with free seats on first-come-first-served basis. Besides, there are several luxury seats required reservation by internet in advance or by ticket booth at the racecourse.

[Flat Grade races in Fukushima Racecourse]
- GIII / Fukushima Himba Stakes 福島牝馬ステークス /1,800m Turf (4yo or older mare only)
- GIII / Radio Nikkei Sho ラジオNIKKEI賞 / 1,800m Turf (3yo only)
- GIII / Tanabata Sho 七夕賞 / 2,000m (3yo or older)
- GIII / Fukushima Kinen 福島記念 / 2,000m (3yo or older)

[Access from major cities]
from Tokyo (Tokyo station)
- Tokyo station →Fukushima station (by Tohoku Shinkansen Bullet train) / 1h30m
- Fukushima station east exit → Keibajo-mae bus stop (by Shuttle Bus or Fukushima Kotu Bus) / 15mfrom Sendai (Sendai station)
- Sendai station (by Tohoku Shinkansen Bullet train) / 30m
- Fukushima station east exit → Keibajo-mae bus stop (by Shuttle Bus or Fukushima Kotu Bus) / 15m

[Official website]
<ENG> https://japanracing.jp/en/racing/go_racing/jra_racecourses/j06.html
<JPN> https://www.jra.go.jp/facilities/race/fukushima/
<How to bet> https://japanracing.jp/en/racing/go_racing/guide/betting.html

[Entartainment around the racecourse]
- Fukushima Prefectural Museum of Art
- Iizaka Hot Spring Area