Guide to Horse Racecourse in Japan: Kyoto Racecourse / 京都競馬場

[My Rating]
・Accessibility ★★★ Excellent (Easy to get there by public transport)
・Atmosphere ★★★ Excellent
・Facility ★★☆ Good
・Entertainment around the racecourse ★★☆ Good

[Best Season to visit]

[General Information]
・Location: Kyoto, Kyoto prefecture / 京都府京都市
・Nearest Station: Yodo / 淀 (Keihan Railway / 京阪本線)
・Established in: 1925
・Operated by: JRA (Japan Racing Association)
・Type of race: Flat and Hurdle
・Type of racecourse: Turf and Dirt (Right-handed)
・Racing Season: January, February, May, October and November
・Dress Code: None
・Fee: 200 yen for general admission with free seats on first-come-first-served basis. Besides, there are several luxury seats required reservation by internet in advance or by ticket booth at the racecourse.

[Flat Grade races in Kyoto Racecourse]
- GIII / Kyoto Kinpai 京都金杯 / 1,600m Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Sinzan Kinenシンザン記念 / 1,600m Turf (3yo only)
- GII / Nikkei Shinshun Hai 日経新春杯 / 2,400m Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Silk Road Stakes シルクロードステークス / 1,200 Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Kisaragi Sho きさらぎ賞 / 1,800m Turf (3yo only)
- GII / Kyoto Kinen京都記念 / 2,200m Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Kyoto Himba Stakes 京都牝馬ステークス / 1,400m Turf (4yo or older filly only)
- GII /Milers Cup マイラーズカップ / 1,600m Turf (4yo or older)
- GIII / Unicorn Stakes ユニコーンステークス / 1,900m Dirt (3yo only)
- GI / Tennohsho Spring 天皇賞・春 /3,200m Turf (4yo or older)
- GII / Kyoto Shimbunhai 京都新聞杯 / 2,200m Turf (3yo only)
- GIII / Heian Stakes 平安ステークス / 1,900m Dirt (4yo or older)
- GIII / Aoi Stakes 葵ステークス / 1,200m Turf (3yo only)
- GII / Kyoto Daishoten 京都大賞典 / 2,400m Turf (3yo or older)
- GI / Shuka Sho 秋華賞 / 2,000m Turf (3yo filly only)
- GI / Kikka Sho 菊花賞 (Japanese St. Leger) / 3,000m Turf (3yo only)
- GII / Swan Stakes スワンステークス / 1,400m Turf (3yo or older)
- GIII / Fantasy Stakes ファンタジーステークス / 1,400m Turf (2yo Filly only)
- GIII / Miyako Stakes みやこステークス / 1,800m Dirt (3yo or older)
- GII / Daily Hai Nisai Stakes デイリー杯2歳ステークス / 1,600m Turf (2yo only)
- GI / Queen Elizabeth II Cup エリザベス女王杯 / 2,200m Turf (3yo or older filly only)
- GI Mile Champion Ship マイルチャンピオンシップ / 1,600m Turf (3yo or older)
- GIII / Kyoto Nisai Stakes 京都2歳ステークス / 2,000m Turf (2yo only)
- GIII / Keihan Hai 京阪杯 / 1,200m Turf (3yo or older)
[Jump Grade race]
- J-GIII / Kyoto High Jump / 京都ハイジャンプ / 3,930m Turf (4yo or older)
- J-GIII / Kyoto Jump Stakes / 京都ジャンプステークス / 3,170m Turf (3yo or older)

[Access from major cities]
1. from Tokyo or Kyoto (Tokyo or Kyoto station)
- Tokyo Station → Kyoto Station (Tokaido Shinkansen (bullet train) / 2h)
- Kyoto Station →Kintetsu Tanbabashi Station (Kintetsu Kyoto line / 10m)
- Kintetsu Tanbabashi Station → Tanbabashi Station (walk / 5m)
- Tanbabashi Station → Yodo Station (Keihan Railway / 10m)
2. from Osaka (JR Osaka Station)
- JR Osaka Station →Kyobashi Station (JR Osaka Loop line / 10m)
- Kyobashi Station →Yodo Station (Keihan Railway / 45m)

[Official website]
<ENG> https://japanracing.jp/en/racing/go_racing/jra_racecourses/j03.html
<JPN> https://www.jra.go.jp/facilities/race/kyoto/
<How to bet> https://japanracing.jp/en/racing/go_racing/guide/betting.html

[Entertainment around the racecourse]
-Fushimi Inari Shrine: Fanous shrine (10 min by train) http://inari.jp/en/
-Fushimi “Sake” Brewery District: Several famous Sake breweries located
- Kyoto old town: Traditional and the most iconic tourism spot in Japan