【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #461-470☕

画像1 【一筆珈琲店】は、2019年9月25日に開店し、おかげさまで2年目に入りました ♡  皆さまのお気に入りのお店の一つになれるよう、これからも平日の”一筆”とともに、週末には、これまで綴ってきた ”一筆” を、まとめて掲載してまいります🖋 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします by 店主
画像2 ☕乗り物 = Vehicle 461  I realized that knowledge is also a vehicle that can take us where we want to go. Have a nice day ★ 2021-06-23
画像3 ☕デスクトップとモバイル = Desktop & Mobile 462  I was surprised to realize that I watch quite a bit every day, counting not only from my desktop screen but also from mobile screens such as SNS. Have a nice day ★ 2021-06-24
画像4 ☕研ぎ澄まされた感覚 = Sharpened senses 463  When extraordinary things happen to us, we will sharpen our senses and judgment. When we are able to use them in our daily lives as well, the quality of our lives will improve. Have a nice day ★ 2021-06-28
画像5 ☕壊れかけのラジオ Ⅰ = Radio that's about to break Ⅰ 464  Why don't you speak out your bewildered feelings? You're lucky if you feel like tweaking what you're saying over and over again, like a radio that's about to break! Have a nice day ★ 2021-06-29
画像6 ☕壊れかけのラジオ Ⅱ 465  When you say out loud what's bothering you in your head, you will be able to see it objectively. If you find yourself saying it over and over again like a radio that is about to break, it would be a good time to face it. 2021-06-30
画像7 ☕ニュースから = From the news 466  Rather than simply taking in the news as information, try to think about the feelings and circumstances of the characters, and you will be able to enjoy the grand story. Have a nice day ★ 2021-07-01
画像8 ☕運命の出会い = Fateful encounter 467  I don't think there are many people that I am attracted to so strongly that I am moved by them. I want to cherish that person at all times. Have a nice day ★ 2021-07-02
画像9 ☕ピノ = pino 468  "pino" is a beloved item for me, especially during the rainy season and summer months. Have a nice day ★ 2021-07-05
画像10 ☕仕掛け = Mechanism 469  If you add even one interesting mechanism to the myriad of things you have to do in your daily life, your daily life will become more enjoyable! Have a nice day ★ 2021-07-07
画像11 ☕大玉転がし = Rolling a big ball 470  I felt that work is like a big ball rolling, where everyone has to work together to carry the project to the finish line. Have a nice day ★ 2021-07-08
画像12 【Recommended Book】#24 ☕『医者が考案した「長生きみそ汁」』 -アスコム- ~ アレンジレシピもたくさん紹介され、美味しく楽しく健康に ♡ ~ https://www.ascom-inc.jp/books/detail/978-4-7762-0995-9.html
