【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #61-70☕

画像1 2019-09-25 に始めたブログ【一筆珈琲店】が、一周年を迎えたことを機に、これまでしたためた “一筆の想い” を、2020-09-25よりnoteでもアップはじめます♬ どうぞよろしくお願いします★ by 店主
画像2 ☕自分の目で、自分を見る = See yourself with your own eyes 61  It is important to see and judge yourself from your own eyes, not from the eyes of others. Have a nice day ★ 2019-11-27
画像3 ☕空眺む = Looking at the sky 62  I am looking at the sky while thinking of you in a distant place. Will the floating clouds reach you? Have a nice day ★ 2019-11-28
画像4 ☕タマゴサンド = Egg sandwich 63  When I ate the egg sandwich in a hurry, it didn't taste. I want to spend time so that I can enjoy the taste of life. Have a nice day ★ 2019-11-29
画像5 ☕現在(いま)を美化する = The present is precious 64  The breathing present is more precious than the wonderful past. Have a nice day ★ 2019-11-30
画像6 ☕電車遅延のため = Because the train was delayed 65  Some people are late every time due to a slight train delay. I want to be careful not to miss the time because of a trivial external factor. Have a nice day ★  2019-12-01
画像7 ☕背中専用鏡 = Back-only mirror 66  If you imagine that there is a mirror behind your back and care about the reflection, your posture will improve. Have a nice day ★ 2019-12-02
画像8 ☕有効なエスケープ = Effective escape 67  It's not good to think too much and get painful. Let's turn our attention to something different. Have a nice day ★ 2019-12-03
画像9 ☕スマホボタン = Smartphone button 68  I pressed the elevator button with my smartphone device. That moment, that function has been newly added to my smartphone. Have a nice day ★ 2019-12-04
画像10 ☕トロ真ホッケの開き = cut open and dried Atka mackerel 69  When I ate half the cut open and dried atka mackerel and looked at the surface of the skin, I noticed that its original appearance was small. Have a nice day ★ 2019-12-05
画像11 ☕せっかくだから = Because I was given life 70  Since I was given life, I want to do what I think I was born to do for this. Have a nice day ★ 2019-12-06
画像12 【Coffee Break】#6 ☕『カフェ・ラパン (cafe Lapin)』 -上野広小路- ◎チーズトースト ◎サラダ ◎ホットコーヒー https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1313/A131303/13161831/

